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  2020-06-08 00:00:00  

零售商食谱 本书特色


零售商食谱 内容简介

零售管理专家约翰·霍尔纳先生来到中国以后,深深地爱上了这片土地,把自己50多年的零售管理经验总结成书,无私地奉献给了中国的零售业同行。他认为零售管理就像是厨师做一份可口、美味的菜肴,首先必须把所有的食材配齐,才能有相应的出品;越好的食材,出品越好。而天才厨师更会在合适的时间放进适量的食材,烹饪出更美味的菜肴。那些零售管理经验就像指引厨师的一道道食谱,本书中“食谱”一词也由此而来。 霍尔纳先生在印第安纳州的ls ayres工作时,因为成功派出商务考察团对中国进行了友好、成功的商务访问,而被时任美国总统里根先生亲笔致函恭贺。 霍尔纳先生分别于2015年7月4日和7月5日在广州和上海与读者分享了他扎实的、全地域的、全方位的零售运营宝典, 带着我们重温了那些看似平常,却卓有成效的零售管理技巧

零售商食谱 目录


● chapter 1–customers / 1

they are the ones who decide if the chef has gotit right!

● chapter 2–stores / 17

this is the beautiful table where the retail “dinner” is served to the customers.

● chapter 3–buyers,

suppliers & stock management / 53

these are the chefs who source and prepare therepast for the customers.

● chapter 4–marketing, pr

& communications / 105

your restaurant will not be a very big success ifno one knows about it. you have spent so much time and effort creating theperfect “dish”–how will anyone know?

● chapter 5–strategy / 115

good “scratch” cooks can whip up a delicious meal from whatever theyfind in the refrigerator but a really great chef plans ahead for the menu, theingredients, how and when it will be prepared and how and when it will beserved.

●chapter 6–“investment”vs.“expense” / 131

are you “spending money”or“investingmoney”–there is a huge difference!

● chapter 7–people / 137

who is in the kitchen and how good are they? whois serving and how good are they? can you ever imagine a really great restaurantrunning without the people who make it what it is?

● chapter 8–tips & truisms /185

there is no substitute for experience and doingit yourself but it is possible to learn faster by paying attention to those whohave done it successfully before.

● postscript / 219

● comments from retailers / 223

● appendix–some of my

favourite recipes / 236

零售商食谱 相关资料


零售商食谱 作者简介

约翰· 霍尔纳(John Hoerner),前美国L.S. Ayres, 英国Debenhams连锁百货、 The Burton Group集团、 Arcadia Group集团、Tesco UK Clothing and Tesco Central European Clothing首席执行官。现任Tesco国际服装业务战略顾问。 罗卫平,前香港太古资源有限公司全国零售经理,上海禄泰贸易公司商品总监,上海信俊贸易发展有限公司董事总经理。现任上海信俊董事会战略顾问,独立品牌服饰企业顾问

