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  2020-06-09 00:00:00  

银行管理 本书特色


银行管理 内容简介


银行管理 目录

chapter 1 an overview of commercial banks
1. 1 introduction
1. 2 the etymology of the word bank
1. 3 bank business
1. 4 the money markets
1.5 the financial system and competing financial- service institutions
1.6 functions of commercial banks
1.7 bank system in china
chapter 2 capital management
2.1 definition of capital
2.2 regulatory issues
2.3 capital adequacy
2.4 capital management strategies
2.5 basel and capital management
chapter 3 liability management
3.1 overview of liability
3.2 deposit financing source
3.3 non-deposit financing source
3.4 liability management: theories and strategies
3.5 basel
chapter 4 asset management
4.1 the composition of cash assets
4.2 asset position
4.3 asset management
chapter 5 non-interest income activities management
5.1 the development of non-interest income activities
5.2 structure of non-interest income activities
5.3 non-interest income business management
5.4 basel ⅲ
chapter 6 international business of commercial banks
6.1 overview of international business of commercial banks
6.2 international business of commercial banks
6.3 the relevant provisions cf the basel hi on the international business cf commercial banks
6.4 analysis of the internal management of international business of commercial banks
6.5 china's international banking business
chapter 7 credit risk management
7.1 credit risk
7.2 credit risk management
7.3 credit risk for banking transactions
7.4 credit risk for market instruments
chapter 8 interest rate risk management
8.1 the definition of commercial bank interest rate risk
8.2 commercial bank interest rate risk measurement
8.3 commercial bank interest rate risk management strategy
chapter 9 market risk management
9.1 the definition of commercial bank market risk
9.2 commercial bank market risk measurement
9.3 commercial bank market risk management

银行管理 作者简介

王蕾,女,博士,陕西师范大学国际商学院副教授。曾在《当代经济科学》等发表论文十余篇,主持并参与课题多项。   仝宜,男,博士,1971年出生,西北大学经济与管理学院讲师。

