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世界贸易组织概论双语教程 目录

Chapter 1 The Establishment and Operating System of the WTO1.1 The Establishment of the WTO1.1.1 The GAIT years: from Havana to Marrakesh1.1.2 The Uruguay Round1.1.3 The post-Uruguay Round built-in agenda1.2 The Status, Purpose, Objectives and Functions of the WTO1.2.1 Status of the WTO1.2.2 The purpose of the WTO1.2.3 The objectives of the WTO1.2.4 The functions of the WTO1.2.5 Differences between GATT and WTO1.3 Scope of the WTO1.4 Structure of the WTO1.4. l The Ministerial Conference1.4. 2 The General Council in three guises1.4. 3 Councils for each bread area of trade, and more1.4. 4 Committees1.4.5 Plurilateral Committee1.4.6 The Secretariat and director-guneral1.5 Decision-making of the WTO1.5. 1 Decisions taken by consensus1.5.2 Levels of authority1.6 Membership of the WTO1.6.1 Original membership1.6.2 Accession to the WTO1.6.3 How to join the WTO : the accession process1.6.4 Withdrawal from the WTO1.7 Relationship with Other Main Organizations and Regionalism1.7.1 Summary on other organizations1.7.2 Relationship with regionalismQuestionsNotesChapter 2 Principles of the WTO2.1 Trade without Discrimination2.1.1 Most- favoured- nation (MFN)2.1.2 National treatment : treating foreigners and locals equally2.2 Freer Trade: Gradually, through Negotiation2.2.1 Trade barriers2.2.2 The result of negotiations2.3 Predictability: through Binding and Transparency2.3.1 Purpose of predictability2.3.2 Predictability through binding2.3.3 Predictability through transparency2.4 Promoting Fair Competition2.5 Encouraging Development and Economic Reform2.5.1 Contribution to developing countries in the WTO2.5.2 Commitment fulfilled by developing countries2.5.3 Measures to encourage development and economic reformQuestionsNotesChapter 3 The Agreements of the WTO3. 1 Agreements for Trade in Goods3.1.1 Tariffs: more bindings and closer to zero3.1 2 Agriculture : fairer markets for farmers3.1.3 Standards and safety3.1 4 Textiles : back in the mainstream3.15 Anti-dumping, subsidies, safeguards : contingencies, etc3.1.6 Non-tariff barriers : red tape, etc3.1.7 Plurilaterals : of minority interest3.2 Agreement for Trade in Service3.2.1 The background for GATS3.2.2 Main content of GAPS3.2.3 General obligations and disciplines3.2.4 The annexes : services are not all the same3.3 Agreement for Trade-related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights3.3.1 Scope of intellectual property3.3.2 International protection of intellectual property and TRIPS3.3.3 Summary on TRIPSQuestionsNotesChapter 4 The Policy Review and Settling Dispute4.1 Trade Policy Review4. 1.1 Ways to keep trade policies transparent4.1.2 Trade Policy Review Body4.2 Settling Dispute4.2.1 Summary on dispute settlement mechanism4.2.2 Scope of jurisdiction of DSM4.2.3 WTO bodies involved in the dispute settlement processQuestionsNotesChapter 5 Developing Countries5.1 Overview5.l.1 In the agreements : more time, better terms5.I.2 Legal assistance : a secretariat service5.1.3 Least-developed countries: special focus5.1.4 A "maison" in Geneva: being present is important, but not easy for all5.2 Committees5.2.1 Trade and Development Committee5.2.2 Subcommittee on Least-Developed Countries5.2.3 The Doha agenda committees5.3 WTO Technical Cooperation5.3.1 Mission, objective and subjects5.3.2 Training, seminars and workshops5.4 Some Issues Raised5.4. 1 Participation in the system : opportunities and concerns5.4.2 Erosion of preferences5.4.3 The ability to adapt : the supply-sideQuestionsNotesReferencesAppendixAppendix 1 Current WTO MembersAppendix 2 AbbreviationsAppendix 3 GlossaryAppendix 4 Reading Materials

世界贸易组织概论双语教程 节选


世界贸易组织概论双语教程 相关资料

插图:This first round of negotiations resulted in 45,000 tariff concessions affecting $ 10 billion of trade, about one fifth of the world's total. The 23 also agreed that they should accept some of the trade rules of the draft ITO Charter. This, they believed, should be done swiftly and "provisionally" in order to protect the value of the tariff concessions they had negotiated. The combined package of trade rules and tariff concessions became known as the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade. It entered into force in January 1948, while the ITO Charter was still being negotiated. The 23 became founding GATT members (officially, "contracting parties ").ITO aborted and GATT became provisionalAlthough the ITO Charter was finally agreed at a UN Conference on Trade and Employment in Havana in March 1948, ratification in some national legislatures proved impossible. The most serious opposition was in the US Congress, even though the US government had been one of the driving forces. In 1950, the United States government announced that it would not seek congressional ratification of the Havana Charter, and the/TO was effectively dead. Even though it was provisional, the GATT remained the only multilateral instrument governing international trade from 1948 until the WTO was established in 1995.

