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  2020-06-10 00:00:00  

人力资源管理(第5版)(MBA精选教材英文改编版) 本书特色


人力资源管理(第5版)(MBA精选教材英文改编版) 目录


人力资源管理(第5版)(MBA精选教材英文改编版) 节选


人力资源管理(第5版)(MBA精选教材英文改编版) 相关资料

industrial democracy means workers are represented at the plant level in works councils and at the corporate level through codetermination. Works councils are committees composed of both worker representatives and managers who have responsibility for governing the workplace. They participate in operational decisions, such as the allocation of overtime, the discipline and discharge of workers, the hiring of new workers, and training.3~ At the plant level, works councils make many decisions on which unions would bargain with management in the United States. German unions focus on bargain- ing across industries on such issues as wages, rather than on bargaining within an industry, as is typical in the United States. However, the unification of Germany's high-wage West and lowerwage East means that unions and employers need more wage flexibility in labor contracts. Currently, more wage agreements are occurring at the company level in Germany.31 Works councils are also used in several other countries in addition to Germany. Austria, France, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Sweden have enacted laws that require that large companies organize works councils to represent the interests of employees.32 Codetermination brings worker representation to a corporation's board of directors. With one-third to one-half of their boards of directors representing workers, German companies are likely to give employees' needs a high priority.33 (The other board members represent the share holders.) Not surprisingly, codetermination has fostered a spirit of cooperation between workers and managers. For the German economy, the results have been fewer strikes and higher produc-tivity. For workers, the results have been both greater responsibility and greater security. For example, IG Metall, Germany's largest union, has taken the lead on a number of important issues instead of merely reacting to company proposals. The union's group-work policies, the product of nearly two

人力资源管理(第5版)(MBA精选教材英文改编版) 作者简介

Luis R.G6mez-Mejia亚利桑那州立大学商学院管理学教授。在进入学术界之前,G6mez-Mejia从事过8年的人力资源工作.随后又为多家组织做咨询工作。在进入亚利桑那州立大学之前,曾在科罗拉多大学和佛罗里达大学任教。他曾在Academy of Management Journal和Journal of High Technology Management Research编辑部任职。曾在一流管理学杂志上发表论文120余篇,并出版著作十余部。曾获AcademyofManagement Journal的“最佳论文奖”(1992)、亚利桑那州立大学“百名杰出学者”(1994)、管理学会“Hall of Fame”奖(2000)、管理学博士生协会“杰出服务、领导和贡献奖”(2002)、明尼苏达大学“杰出校友成就奖”(2004)等多个奖项。G6mez-Mejia教授的主要研究领域是宏观人力资源、国际人力资源实践和薪酬问题。
David B.Balkin科罗拉多大学工商管理学院管理学教授。在进入科罗拉多大学之前,曾在路易斯安那州立大学和东北大学任教。曾在Academyof Management Journal和Strategic ManagementJournal等杂志上发表论文35篇,出版著作3部。他还为多家组织做过咨询。Balkin教授的主要研究领域是商业战略与人力资源政策之间的相互作用、奖金制度的设计与实施。
Robert L.Cardy得克萨斯大学管理学院教授。他是包括AcademyofManagementJournal和AcademyofManagementReview在内的多个杂志的特别审稿人.以及Journal of QualityManagement的编辑和创办者之一。Cardy教授的主要研究领域是在质量导向的组织环境中的绩效评估和有效人力资源管理实践。

