工商导论--公司如何为人创造价值(英文版) 内容简介
本书由国际知名学者加雷思·琼斯编写,在美国为大学本科“工商导论”课程的优秀教材。此中国影印版可作为我国高校“工商导论”课程双语教学的适用教材。全书分3编、共15章,全面阐述了企业的内外部环境、组织结构与决策方式、企业伦理与文化、信息技术与企业发展,以及营销与产品开发、销售与顾客关系管理、运营与材料管理、人力资源管理、会计与财务管理等企业的主要活动与职能,是一本篇幅适中的商学概论入门读物。 本书的读者对象为英语、经济学和工商管理等专业的大学本科学生。
工商导论--公司如何为人创造价值(英文版) 目录
PART ONE The Environment of Business CHAPTER ONE What Is Business? CHAPTER Two The Evolution of Business CHAPTER THREE Entrepreneurs, Managers, and Employees CHAPTER FOUR Multinationals and the Global Environment of Business CHAPTER FIVE Business Ethics and the Legal Environment of Business PART Two The Human Side of Business CHAPTER SIX Leadership, Influence, and Communication in Business CHAPTER SEVEN Motivating and Managing People and Groups in Business Organizations CHAPTER EIGHT The Structure and Culture of a Business Organization PART THREE A Functional Approach to Business CHAPTER NINE Information Technology and E-Commerce: Managing Information, Knowledge, and Business Relationships CHAPTER TEN Marketing and Product Development: Creating and Positioning Goods and Services CHAPTER ELEVEN Sales, Distribution, and Customer Relationship Management: Reaching and Satisfying Customers CHAPTER TWELVE Operations and Materials Management: Managing the Production and Flow of Goods and Services CHAPTER THIRTEEN Human Resource Management: Acquiring and Building Employees' Skills and Capabilities CHAPTER FOURTEEN Accounting: Measuring How Efficiently and Effectively Resources Are Creating Value and Profit CHAPTER FIFTEEN Finance: Balancing Risk and Return to Increase Profitability
工商导论--公司如何为人创造价值(英文版) 作者简介
加雷思·琼斯是美国Texas A&M University的管理学教授,国际知名管理学家。2005年被欧洲管理学会评为50位当代活着的最伟大的管理学家之一。这本书秉承了加雷思·琼斯一贯的写作风格:内容丰富、新颖,文字简练、流畅。本书篇幅适中,案例丰富,尤其是其全球化视野难能可贵,对中国等亚洲国家的关注极具意义,是其他教材无可比拟的。