大学英语-(本科下) 本书特色
大学英语-(本科下) 内容简介
大学英语-(本科下) 目录
unit one text a disney world exercises writing skills text b the statue of libertyunit two text a traditional american values exercises translation skills text b confucianismunit three text a ten reasons why humor is crucial to success at work exercises writing skills text b english humor vs. american humorunit four text a your smartphone has officially hijacked your life exercises translation skills text b feeling phone -overwhelmed?unit five text a the man behind the nobel prize--alfred nobel exercises writing skills text b seven steps to a more fulfilling jobunit six text a how to stay safe while shopping online exercises translation skills text b online passwords: keep it complicatedunit seven text a from a novice to an expert exercises writing skills text b learning is more than a lectureunit eight text a the story of stuff exercises translation skills text b the lessons we haven't learned from 'london's great smog of 1952unit nine text a daoism and leisure exercises writing skills text b the suicide of socratesunit ten text a why bilinguals are smarter exercises translation skills text b lessons in a common languageunit eleven text a ethical food, good food? exercises . writing skills text b food waste and recycling in china: a growing trend?unit twelve text a china's pied piper exercises translation skills text b what makes steve jobs greatappendix:课文译文及习题参考答案参考文献
大学英语-(本科下) 作者简介
李毅,男,汉族,山东济南人,教授,硕士研究生导师,博士研究生。2005年1月至今担任山东财政学院外国语学院院长、党总支副书记。山东省特色专业---英语专业负责人,校级精品课程《英语国家文化》负责人。 主要社会兼职:山东省国外语言学会副会长,山东省大学英语教学研究会常务理事,山东省外语专业教学研究会常务理事,国家社会科学基金项目通讯评审专家,全国外语类核心期刊《山东外语教学》编委。 主要讲授课程: 英语国家文化、综合英语、认知语言学、语言学研究方法与统计 主要研究方向:认知语言学、第二语言习得 近年来,主持完成省部级科研课题4项,参与完成省部级科研课题2项;主持完成山东省教育厅科研课题1项,参与完成山东省教育厅科研课题1项。主持在研省部级科研课题1项。主持编写财政部统编教材1部,出版译著1部, 出版专著1部。在国内重要期刊发表论文10余篇,获山东高等学校优秀科研成果奖等4项。