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  2020-09-23 00:00:00  

地学英语阅读教程 本书特色


地学英语阅读教程 内容简介

《地学英语阅读教程》主要选取普通地质学方面的英文资料, 以英语教材的形式编写 ; 该书分为8个单元, 每个单元有A篇和B篇共两篇文章, 每个单元有话题导入, 阅读方法介绍, 每篇文章后面都有相关的阅读练习 —— B篇是以雅思阅读题的模式来编写。

地学英语阅读教程 目录

Unit 1 Introduction to Earth Science
Passage A The Science of Geology
Reading Skills Vocabulary in Context
Passage B Earth System Science

Unit 2 Earth History and Life Evolution
Passage A Dating Rocks and Fossils Using Geologic Methods
Reading Skills Signpost Language (Reading Road Map)
Passage B Fossil Files——"The Palaeobiology Database

Unit 3 Plate Tectonics and Earth Structure
Passage A Continental Drift: an Idea Before Its Time
Reading Skills Signpost Language
Passage B Plate Tectonics

Unit 4 Mineral and Rock
Passage A Mineral
Reading Skills Examples as Contextual Clues
Passage B Classification of Rocks

Unit 5 Geomorphology and Geography
Passage A Geological Process——Weathering and Erosion
Reading Skills Recognising Differences Between Facts and Opinions
Passage B Disappearing Delta

Unit 6 Climate Change and Atmosphere
Passage A Effect of Climate Change
Reading Skills Guessing Meaning from Context
Passage B Sun's Fickle Heart May Leave Us Cold

Unit 7 Natural Resources and Environment Protection
Passage A Oil and Gas
Reading Skills Skimming and Scanning
Passage B Tidal Power

Unit 8 Geological Hazard
Passage A Tsunami
Reading Skills Understanding the Sentences with Negative Words
Passage B Earthquake
Keys 地学英语阅读教程
