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  2020-09-24 00:00:00  

块-特普利兹迭代方法 本书特色

Ithis book we introduce current developments and applications iusing iterative methods for solving block Toeplitz systems. The block Toeplitz systems arise ia variety of applications imathematics, scientific computing and engineering, for instance, image restoratioproblems iimage processing; numerical differential equations and integral equations;time series analysis and control theory. Krylov subspace methods and multigrid methods are proposed. One of the mairesults of these iterative methods is that the operatiocost of solving a large class of mx m,n,block Toeplitz systems is only required O(mn,log mn,) operations.
  This book consists of twelve chapters. Various bibliographies are placed at the end of the book. IChapter 1, we survey some background knowledge of matrix analysis and point Toeplitz iterative solvers that will be used later to develop our block Toeplitz iterative solvers.

块-特普利兹迭代方法 内容简介

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