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  2020-09-24 00:00:00  

Pathology 本书特色

李良主编的《病理学(医学教育改革系列教材)( 英文版)》为“医学教育改革系列教材”(英文)之 一。本书共包括两部分,共14章。**章到第五章介 绍了基础病理学的相关内容。第六章到第十四章分别 介绍了与疾病相关的系统病理学内容。教材全面介绍 了学科相关内容,教材适用于医学本科留学生、研究 生及相关研究人员。

Pathology 目录

introduction to pathologypart 1  general pathology  chapter 1  cellular adaptation and injury    1.1  cellular adaptation    1.2  cellular injury    1.3  cellular aging  chapter 2  tissue repair    2.1  cell regeneration    2.2  fibrosis    2.3  wound healing  chapter 3  hemodynamic disorders    3.1  hyperemia and congestion    3.2  hemorrhage    3.3  thrombosis    3.4  embolism    3.5  infarction    3.6  edema  chapter 4  inflammation    4.1  overview of inflammation    4.2  acute inflammation    4.3  chronic inflammation    4.4  clinical manifestations of inflammation  chapter 5  neoplasia    5.1  definition    5.2  general morphology    5.3  differentiation, atypia and anaplasia of neoplasm    5.4  nomenclature and classification    5.5  growth and spread of neoplasm    5.6  grading and staging of tumor    5.7  effects of tumor on host    5.8  characteristics of benign and malignant neoplasm    5.9  brief introduction of common tumors    5.10  precancerous lesions/diseases, dysplasia and carcinoma in situ    5.11  etiology and carcinogenesispart 2  diseases of organ systemchapter 6  the blood vessel and heart    6.1  atheroselerosis    6.2  ischemic heart disease    6.3  hypertension    6.4  rheumatism    6.5  infective endocarditis    6.6  valvular heart disease    6.7  cardiomyopathy    6.8  myocarditis    6.9  aneurysm and dissections  chapter 7  the lung and upper respiratory tract    7.1  pulmonary infections    7.2  chronic obstructive pulmonary disease    7.3  pneumoconioses    7.4  chronic cot pulmonale    7.5  respiratory distress syndrome    7.6  tumors  chapter 8  the alimentary system    8.1  the gastrointestinal tract    8.2  the liver and biliary tract    8.3  the pancreas  chapter 9  the hematopoietic and lymphoid system ...    9.1  benign hyperplasia of lymph nodes    9.2  malignant lymphomas    9.3  myeloid neoplasms    9.4  tumors of histiocytes and dendritic cells  chapter 10  the kidney and its collecting system    10.1  glomerulonephritis    10.2  pyelonephritis    10.3  renal cell carcinoma    10.4  urothelial tumor  chapter 11  the genital system and the breast    11.1  the cervix    11.2  the uterus    11.3  gestational trophoblastie disease    11.4  ovarian tumor    11.5  the prostate    11.6  the breast  chapter 12  the endocrine system    12.1  the thyroid    12.2  the pituitary    12.3  the adrenal    12.4  the pancreas islets  chapter 13  the nervous system    13.1  basic pathologic features    13.2  infections of the nervous system    13.3  degenerative disease    13.4  ischemie and vascular disease    13.5  tumors  chapter 14  infectious disease and deep mycosis    14.1  overview of infectious diseases    14.2  tuberculosis    14.3  typhoid fever    14.4  bacillary dysentery    14.5  leprosy    14.6  leptospirosis    14.7  rabies    14.8  sexually transmitted disease    14.9  deep mycosis    14.10  schistosomiasis Pathology
