大学体验英语阅读教程-3 本书特色
张汉彬、杨海鹰主编的《大学体验英语阅读教程 (3)》主要特点是: 1.从快乐阅读的理念出发,侧重于在阅读过程中激发学生的学习动机和兴趣,培养学生的阅读技巧和能力; 2.强化语言学习过程中学生的英语语言思维能力培养,以提高学生运用英语的能力; 3.强调阅读技巧的训练,每册教材介绍数种阅读技巧,通过大量的、由易到难的阶梯式训练,帮助学生理解并掌握这些技巧,以达到熟能生巧的训练目的。
大学体验英语阅读教程-3 目录
part 1 extensive reading unit 1:choosing a book for extensive reading unit 2:reading and discussing nonfiction unit 3:reading and discussing fictionpart 2 vocabulary building unit 1:strategies for building a powerful vocabulary unit 2:learning new words from your reading unit 3:inferring meaning from context unit 4:word parts unit 5:collocationspart 3 comprehension skills unit 1:previewing unit 2:making inferences unit 3:understanding paragraphs unit 4:patterns of 0rganization unit 5:reading longer passages effectively unit 6:skimming unit 7:study reading unit 8:summarizing unit 9:criticai readingpart 4 reading faster unit 1:learning to read faster unit 2:new technology and its impact around the world unit 3:people who have made a difference unit 4:inventions that are changing our livesappendices appendix 1:2 000 most frequent words in english language texts appendix 2:academic word list appendix 3:record of books read appendix 4:words and expressions appendix 5:glossaryanswer key