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  2020-09-26 00:00:00  

现代科技英语教程 本书特色

  《现代科技英语教程》是根据教育部《大学英语教学大纲》对专业英语教学的要求,为具有英语四级水平的大学三至四年级学生编写的科技英语课程教材。《现代科技英语教程》内容涉及5个方面:科技史话、科苑巨匠、科海泛舟、高新技术、走向未来等,在上述课文内容基础上,每一课附有练习。   《现代科技英语教程》可作为大学三至四年级科技英语教材,亦可供科技人员和英语爱好者自学英语使用。

现代科技英语教程 内容简介

本书是根据教育部《大学英语教学大纲》对专业英语教学的要求, 为具有英语四级水平的大学三至四年级学生编写的科技英语课程教材。本书内容涉及5个方面: 科技史话、科苑巨匠、科海泛舟、高新技术、走向未来等。在上述挝哪谌莼?∩? 每一课还附有练习。

现代科技英语教程 目录

part ⅰ historical development
lesson1 evolution of science
lesson2 landmarks of modern science
part ⅱ giants of science and technology
lesson3 from albert einstein to stephen hawking
lesson4 at the forefront of information technology
part ⅲ across the science world
lesson5 thumbing a ride into space
lesson6 environmental countdown: where were losing——andwinning
lesson7 cellular goes digital
lesson8 fiber optics head for home
lesson9 fuzzy logic
lesson10 superconductors take off
lesson11 artificial intelligence: present and future
lesson12 force xxi
part ⅳ high and new technologies
lesson13 trends in neuroscience: the machinery of thought
lesson14 information superhighway at work
lesson15 virtual reality and its benefits
lesson16 why gps and how it works?
part ⅴ onward to the future
lesson17 the future of the pc
lesson18 the lamb that roared
lesson19 nasa missions——the space science enterprises ahead
lesson20 green revolution

