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  2020-09-26 00:00:00  

医学物理学-(英文版) 本书特色

this textbook is compiled primarily for overseas students in china who plan to develop a career in some field of medicine. there are twelve chapters that determined by the needs of medicine majors including the basis of biomechanics; vibration, wave and sound; the motion of fluid; phenomena on liquid surfaces; electric field; magnetic field, direct current; geometric optics; wave optics; laser; x-rays; and nuclear physics.

医学物理学-(英文版) 内容简介

although this book is aimed at overseas medical students, we believe it can be used by chinese long-year program medical students and biology major students as bilingual teaching materials. and it also serves as an excellent reference book for teachers and students in the related profession.

医学物理学-(英文版) 目录

chapter 1 the basis of biomechanics
 1.1 newton's laws of motion
 1.2 rotation of rigid bodies
 1.3 elastic properties of materials
 1.4 the mechanical properties of bone
 1.5 the mechanical properties of muscle
 review questions
chapter 2 vibration, wave and sound
 2.1 simple harmonic motion
 2.2 the combination of vibration
 2.3 simple harmonic wave
 2.4 energy in wave
 2.5 superposition of wave and interference
 2.6 sound wave
 2.7 doppler effect and shock wave
 2.8 ultrasonic and its applications in medicine
 review questions
chapter 3 the motion of fluids
 3.1 steady flow of ideal fluid
 3.2 bernoulli's equation
 3.3 applications of bernoulli's equation
 3.4 viscous fluid flow
 review questions
chapter 4 phenomena on liquid surfaces
 4.1 surface tension and surface energy
 4.2 additional pressure of a curved surface of liquid
 4.3 capillary action and air embolism
 review questions
chapter 5 static electric field
 5.1 electric field intensity
 5.2 gauss's law
 5.3 electric potential
 5.4 dielectrics
 5.5 electric dipole and membrane potential
 review questions
chapter 6 magnetic field
 6.1 magnetic field and magnetic induction
 6.2 the motion of a charged particle and the force on a current wire in magnetic
 6.3 magnetic substance and superconducting magnet
 6.4 electromagnetic induced phenomena
 6.5 the applications of magnetism in biology
 review questions
chapter 7 direct current
 7.1 electric current and electric current density
 7.2 kirchhoff's laws
 7.3 circuits containing resistor and capacitor
 7.4 the applications of direct current in the medicine
 review questions
chapter 8 geometric optics
 8.1 reflection and refraction
 8.2 refraction at a spherical surface
 8.3 the thin lens
 8.4 the eye
 8.5 the microscope
 review questions
chapter 9 wave optics
 9.1 interference of light
 9.2 diffraction of light
 9.3 polarization of light
 review questions
chapter 10 laser
 10.1 the basis of laser
 10.2 the bioeffects of laser
 10.3 the application of laser in medicine
 review questions
chapter 11 x-rays
 11.1 generation of x-rays
 11.2 x-rays spectra
 11.3 the basic properties of x-rays
 11.4 the absorption of x-rays
 11.5 the application of x-rays in medicine
 review questions
chapter 12 nuclear physics
 12.1 the properties of nucleus
 12.2 nuclear decay
 12.3 the rules of nuclear decay
 12.4 the interaction of radiation with matter
 12.5 radiation detection and measurement
 12.6 the applications of radionuclide in medicine
 review questions
appendix fundamental physical constants


