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  2020-09-26 00:00:00  

跨文化交际基础 本书特色

《跨文化交际基础》分为六章:跨文化沟通概念导入;有影响的跨文化沟通理论回顾;跨文化国际商务;跨文化国际谈判;跨文化国际营销;跨文化案例研究方法。   《跨文化交际基础》的内容涵盖了当今国际跨文化沟通的观点和动态。它可以让读者了解在全球背景下跨文化商务活动的进展状况;并帮助读者做好准备,迎接新环境下跨文化国际商务研究和实践的新挑战。另外,每个章节后都附有丰富、多样的配套练习。

跨文化交际基础 目录

chapter 1 culture and intercultural communication1.lead-in2.main text2.1 culture2.2 intercultural communication3.exercises4.references chapter 2 theories and research on intercultural communication1.lead-in2.main text2.1 edward t.hall's value orientations2.2 kluckhohn's and strodtbeck's value orientations2.3 geert hofstede's national value dimensions2.4 fons trompenaars's value dimensions2.5 triandis's cultural dimensions2.6 shalom h.schwartz's universal value orientations3.exercises4.references chapter 3 intercultural business communication1.lead-in1.1 examples of company failure due to cultural mistakes1.2 examples of cultural differences in business2.main text2.1 intercultural business communication2.2 the impact of culture on an international business2.3 the importance of cultural sensitivity in business dealings2.4 culture & subculture in business2.5 how to overcome intercultural communication barriers in business3.exercises4.references chapter 4 intercultural business negotiation1.lead-in2.main text2.1 intercultural negotiation2.2 negotiations of different cultural styles3.exercises4.references chapter 5 intercultural marketing1.lead-in2.main text2.1 defining intercultural marketing2.2 key issues in intercultural marketing2.3 cultural impacts on international marketing2.4 managing intercultural marketing3.exercises4.references chapter 6 the application of a case study methodology1.lead-in2.main text2.1 research methodology for intercultural communication2.2 what is a case study2.3 how to use case studies3.exercises4.references 跨文化交际基础
