自动化专业英语教程-第3版 本书特色
自动化专业英语教程-第3版 目录
序前言自动化专业英语教程第3版contentspart1electrical and electronic engineering basicsunit 1aelectrical networksbthreephase circuitsc专业英语(specified english)概述unit 2athe operational amplifierbtransistorsc专业简介unit 3alogical variables and flipflopbbinary number systemc专业英语的翻译标准unit 4apower semiconductor devicesbpower electronic convertersc专业英语的词汇特点unit 5atypes of dc motorsbclosedloop control of dc driversc理解与表达unit 6aac machinesbinduction motor drivec长句的翻译unit 7aelectric power systembpower system automationc被动句的翻译part 2control theoryunit 1athe world of controlbthe transfer function and the laplace transformationc否定句的翻译unit 2astability and the time responsebsteady statec名词的翻译unit 3athe root locusbthe frequency response methods: nyquist diagramsc动词的翻译unit 4athe frequency response methods: bode plotsbnonlinear control systemc形容词的翻译unit 5aintroduction to modern control theorybstate equationsc词性的转换unit 6acontrollability,observability,and stabilityboptimum control systemsc语法成分的转换unit 7aconventional and intelligent controlbartificial neural networksc增词译法part 3computer control technologyunit 1acomputer structure and functionbfundamentals of computers and networksc减词译法unit 2ainterfaces to external signals and devicesbthe applications of computersc常用数学符号和公式的读法unit 3aplc overviewbpacs for industrial control, the future of controlc科技论文的结构与写作unit 4afundamentals of singlechip microcomputersbunderstanding dsp and its usesc论文的标题和摘要unit 5aa first look at embedded systemsbembedded systems designc电子邮件part 4process controlunit 1aa process control systembfundamentals of process controlc通知unit 2asensors and transmittersbfinal control elements and controllersc简历unit 3ap controllers and pi controllersbpid controllers and other controllersc面试unit 4aindicating instrumentsbcontrol panelsc自动化专业信息检索part 5control based on network and informationunit 1aautomation networking application areasbevolution of control system architecturec国内自动化专业主要期刊unit 2afundamental issues in networked control systemsbstability of ncss with networkinduced delayc国外自动化专业主要期刊unit 3afundamentals of the database systembvirtual manufacturing—a growing trend in automationc自动化专业的科技前沿unit 4aconcepts of computer integrated manufacturingbenterprise resources planning and beyondc自动化专业的学术会议part 6synthetic applications of automatic technologyunit 1ascanning the issue and beyond: toward its knowledgebautomation or interaction: what’s best for big data?c说明书常用术语unit 2asmart grid standards for home and building automationbcloud computing for industrial automation systems—acomprehensiveoverviewc合同与协议书常用术语和句型unit 3asmart city and the applicationsbknowledge management system design model for smart enterprisesc广告参考文献