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  2020-09-26 00:00:00  

外贸英语函电 本书特色

  《外贸英语函电(商务英语与国际贸易专业示范性高等院校精品规划教材)》内容主要以外贸业务工作流程为导向,根据外贸行业主要工作岗位的职业技能要求和知识构成,共分为11个教学模块,**模块简要介绍外贸英语信函的基本要素、格式、写作要求以及电子邮件的写作技能。     第2-11模块主要讲授外贸业务工作流程的十个主要环节:建立贸易关系、询盘、发盘、还盘、接受、合同、支付、装运、保险、索赔等中出现的常用的英文信函,侧重对具体环节信函的写作原则、写作要素、基本格式、特有的外贸英语表达和主要内容的讲解。      《外贸英语函电(商务英语与国际贸易专业示范性高等院校精品规划教材)》可作为高职高专院校应用英语专业、商务英语专业、国际商务专业、国际贸易专业及市场营销、工商文秘、电子商务等相关专业的教材,也可作为从事外贸、商务相关工作人员的参考书。

外贸英语函电 目录

module one  basic knowledge of english business letters  section one  different forms of business letters  section two  the layout of business letters  section three  envelope addressing  section four  writing principles of business letters  section five  projects  section six  exercises  section seven  professional developmentmodule two  establishin business relations  section one  brief introduction  section two  writing steps  section three  specimen letters  section four  useful expressions and sentences  section five  projects    section six  exercises  section seven  professional developmentmodule three  enquiry  section one  brief introduction  section two  writing steps  section three  specimen letters  section four  useful expressions and sentences  section five  projects  section six  exercises  section seven  professional developmentmodule four  offer  section one  brief introduction  section two  writing steps  section three  specimen letters  section four  useful expressions and sentences  section five  projects  section six  exercises  section seven  professional developmentmodule five  counter-offer  section one  brief introduction  section two  writing steps  section three  specimen letters  section four  useful expressions and sentences  section five  projects  section six  exercises  section seven  professional developmentmodule six  conclusion of business  section one  brief introduction  section two  writing steps  section three  specimen letters  section four  useful expressions and sentences  section five  projects  section six  exercises  section seven  professional developmentmodule seven  contract  section one  brief introduction  section two  writing steps  section three  specimen contracts  section four  useful expressions and sentences  section five  projects  section six  exercises  section seven  professional developmentmodule eight  payment  section one  brief introduction  section two  writing steps  section three  specimen letters  section four  useful expressions and sentences  section five  projects  section six  exercises  section seven  professional developmentmodule nine  packing and shipment  section one  brief introduction  section two  writing steps  section three  specimen letters  section four  useful expressions and sentences  section five  projects  section six  exercises  section seven  professional developmentmodule ten  insurance  section one  brief introduction  section two  writing steps  section three  specimen letters  section four  useful expressions and sentences  section five  projects  section six  exercises  section seven  professional developmentmodule eleven  complaint and claim  section one  brief introduction  section two writing steps  section three  specimen letters  section four  useful expressions and sentences  section five  projects  section six  exercises  section seven  professional development附录1 外贸英语函电常用词汇附录2 外贸英语函电常用英文缩略词参考文献
