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  2020-09-26 00:00:00  

测控技术与仪器专业英语教程-(第3版) 本书特色

  刘曙光、曹军义主编的《测控技术与仪器专业英语教程(第3版)》旨在使读者掌握测控技术与仪器专业英语术语及用法,培养和提高读者阅读和翻译专业英语文献资料的能力;主要内容包括电子技术、数字系统、信号处理、测试技术、仪器仪表、遥感通信等。本书由16 篇课文和16篇阅读材料组成,并附有所有课文的参考译文。   为了方便教学,本书配有电子教案,向采纳本书作为教材的教师免费提供。   《测控技术与仪器专业英语教程(第3版)》可以作为测控技术与仪器专业的专业英语课程教材,也可供从事相关专业的工程技术人员学习参考。

测控技术与仪器专业英语教程-(第3版) 目录

lesson 1  periodic signals  1.1  time?domain description  1.2  frequency?domain description  1.3  orthogonal functions  1.4  the fourier series  exercises  reading material:underwater acoustic signal lesson 2  aperiodic signals  2.1  introduction  2.2  the exponential form of the fourier series  2.3  the fourier transform  2.4  the laplace transform  exercises  reading material:properties of signal and noiselesson 3  sampled?data signals  3.1  introduction  3.2  mathematical description using the dirac function  3.3  spectra of sampled?data signals  3.4  the z?transform  exercises  reading material:signal sampling  lesson 4  random signals  4.1  introduction  4.2  elements of probability theory  4.3  amplitude distribution and moments  4.4  the autocorrelation and power spectral density  exercises  reading material:the processing of random signallesson 5  static performance  5.1  the ideal measuring system  5.2  sensitivity  5.3  accuracy and precision  5.4  possible and probable errors  5.5  other static?performance terms  exercises  reading material:noncontact temperature measurementlesson 6  dynamic performance  6.1  zero?order systems  6.2  first?order systems  6.3  second?order systems  6.4  step?response specification  6.5  frequency?response specification  exercises  reading material:eddy current lesson 7  basic knowledge of transducers  and resistancetransducers  7.1  transducer elements  7.2  transducer sensitivity  7.3  characteristics of an ideal transducer  7.4  electrical transducers  7.5  resistance transducers  exercises  reading material:laserlesson 8  capacitance, inductance transducers  and some others  8.1  capacitive transducers  8.2  inductive transducers  8.3  linear variable?differential transformer(l.v.d.t.)  8.4  piezo?electric transducers  8.5  electromagnetic transducers  8.6  thermoelectric transducers  8.7  photoelectric cells (self?generating)  8.8  mechanical transducers and sensing elements  exercises  reading material:video cameralesson 9  analog instruments  9.1  meter basics  9.2  ammeters  9.3  current measuring errors  9.4  dc voltmeters  9.5  voltage measuring errors  9.6  ohmmeter and resistance measurements  9.7  series ohmmeter  9.8  shunt ohmmeter  9.9  ohmmeter accuracy  9.10  volt?ohm?milliammeters  9.11  electronic voltmeters  9.12  transistorized electronic voltmeters  9.13  fet voltmeters  9.14   operational amplifier electronic voltmeters  9.15  electronic current measurements  9.16  resistance measurements  exercises  reading material:rectifier meterslesson 10  digital instruments  10.1  digital displays  10.2  electronic digital counter  10.3  input signal conditioning  10.4  timerbase oscillator  10.5  timerbase dividers  10.6  counting register  10.7  digital voltmeter  exercises  reading material:rise?time measurementslesson 11  computer?based test instruments  11.1  internal adapters  11.2   external pc instruments  11.3  analog?to?digital conversion  11.4  computer interface  11.5  general?purpose interface bus  exercises  reading material:pc?based workstationlesson 12  industrial bus  12.1  what is an industrial bus  12.2  data line isolation theory  exercises  reading material: serial communications systemslesson 13  programmable logic controller  13.1  basic plc operation  13.2  hard?wired control  13.3  advantages of plcs  13.4  siemens plcs  13.5  cpu  13.6  programming devices  13.7  software    13.8  connector cables ppi (point?to?point interface)  exercises  reading material: terminologylesson 14  remote sensing  14.1  sensors  14.2  satellites  14.3  outlook  exercises  reading material:gpslesson 15  multi?sensor data fusion  15.1  introduction  15.2  technical background  15.3  method  15.4  application  exercises  reading material:multi?sensor image fusionlesson 16  process control system  16.1  a process control system  16.2  fundamentals of process control  exercises  reading material: final control elements and controllers参考译文  第1课  周期信号  第2课  非周期信号  第3课  数据采样信号  第4课  随机信号  第5课  静态性能  第6课  动态性能  第7课  传感器和电阻式传感器的基础知识  第8课  电容式、电感式传感器及其他  第9课  模拟仪器  第10课  数字仪器  第11课  基于计算机的测试仪器  第12课  工业总线  第13课  可编程逻辑控制器  第14课  遥感  第15课  多传感器数据融合  第16课  过程控制系统参考文献
