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  2020-09-26 00:00:00  

新世纪高等院校英语专业本科生系列教材(修订版)综合英语1(第二版)教师用书提供电子教案下载 本书特色

    《综合教程》基础阶段共分四册,顾大僖主编的《综合教程(1教师用书第2版修订版)》为**册,供英语专业一年级**学期使用。每个单元由text i、text ii和相关的练习构成。建议使用本书的教师在一周的时间内完成一个单元的教学任务。 本册所有的课文都选自**手英语资料,除原文偏长需要删节以及个别冷僻词语需要替换外,一律保持原文的风貌,尽*大可能给学生提供原汁原味的英语语言素材。 本册课文内容广泛,涉及家庭生活、伦理道德、惊险经历、未来世界、文化教育、网络科技、社会问题等一系列课题,使学生在学习英语的同时,扩展个人视野,提高人文素养。

新世纪高等院校英语专业本科生系列教材(修订版)综合英语1(第二版)教师用书提供电子教案下载 目录

unit 1  text i never say goodbye  text ii the dinner partyunit 2  text i the fun they had  text ii the laugherunit 3  text i whatever happened to manners?  text ii an educator's moral responsibilityunit 4  text i dealing with aids  text ii aids (acquired immune deficiency syndrome)unit 5  text i how to be true to yourself  text ii becoming a child of nature: it's a twofold task ofparents and childrenunit 6  text i is an only child a lonely child?  text ii changing roles: stay-at-home dadsunit 7  text i when lightning struck  text ii dad had lost any purpose in lifeunit 8  text i my forever valentine  text ii make today countunit 9  text i hollywood  text ii the disney companyunit 10  text i a debt to dickens  text ii the companionship of booksunit 11  text i salvation  text ii the capture of kunta kinteunit 12  text i gender bias in language  text ii the difference between sex and genderunit 13  text i the light of depression  text ii remaining positive when facing a chronic illnessunit 14  text i five traits of the educated man  text ii when does education stop?glossary
