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  2020-09-26 00:00:00  

大学基础英语教程-第2册-(第二版)-学生用书-(附光盘) 本书特色

《大学英语立体化网络化创新系列教材:大学基础英语教程(第二版 第2册 学生用书》特色:   ·以《大学英语课程教学要求》为依据,重点培养学生英语综合应用能力,使学生通过学习,做到学有所用、学以致用、以用促学、学用统一。   ·专门为高校艺术类、体育类学生和民族地区的非英语专业学生而编写,课文选材、编写体例以及练习设计等都体现了较强的针对性。   ·依据目标学生实际情况,第二版沿袭了**版适用、实用、简约、励志的编写理念,保持了唯实性、简约性、实用性和教育性的教材特色。   ·不仅注重激发学生学习兴趣,培养学生外语技能,更加注重学生综合人文素养的提升和积极人生观与价值观的培养,在潜移默化中启迪思想、陶冶情操。

大学基础英语教程-第2册-(第二版)-学生用书-(附光盘) 目录

unit one never give up
text a heart of gold
text b run, patti, run!
reading in focus what does it really mean?
unit two power of music
text a keep on singing
text b piano music
reading in focus guess the meaning of a word
unit three do good
text a l've come to clean your shoes
text b your money or your time?
reading in focus understand long sentences (1)
unit four friendly animals
text a dogs help children become better readers
text b grandpa's bee
reading in focus understand long sentences (2)
test one
unit five unspoken love
text a me, in concert
text b a prodigy's early years
reading in focus sentences with participles
unit six fans forever
text a world cup dad
text b roger maris and me
reading in focus connections between sentences
unit seven inspiration text a the remembrance of lilacs
text b ramona's touch
reading in focus locate the topic sentences
unit eight cultural differences
text a cultural differences? or, are we really that different?
text b how to overcome culture shock in a foreign country
reading in focus recognize the concluding sentences
test two
vocabulary 大学基础英语教程-第2册-(第二版)-学生用书-(附光盘)
