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  2020-09-28 00:00:00  

商务英语-(上)-(第三版) 内容简介


商务英语-(上)-(第三版) 目录

unit one
chapter 1 what is economics
chapter 2 needs and wants
chapter 3 supply and demand
chapter 4 consumer market in china
unit two 
chapter 5 what is international business
chapter 6 brief history of business
chapter 7 business environment
unit three 
chapter 8 what is production
chapter 9 factors of production
chapter 10 product life cycle
chapter 11 product adaptation and presentation
chapter 12 product packaging and labeling
unit four
chapter 13 intemational market research
chapter 14 market selection
chapter 15 free trade
chapter 16 tariff bamer 
chapter 17 non-tariff bamer
chapter 18 trade fairs 商务英语-(上)-(第三版)
