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  2020-09-28 00:00:00  

英语导游实务 内容简介

  英语导游实务是旅游管理、酒店管理、会展与服务管理等专业的核心课程。本书致力于培养学生的英语导游服务与业务实践能力,本书可作为教材,也可作为英语导游的工作用书。将帮助学生较全面地了解并掌握英文导游员在带团过程中的业务流程、实务技能、**知识等,为立志于考取国家旅游局导游资格证书的学牛提供专业、系统、有效的指导和帮助。   本书的内容体系立足于国内导游证考试大纲及国外导游培训与考核标准,及时反映旅游及导游行业实践及动态,重点在导游英语专业词汇学习、导游词撰写、导游翻译练习(口笔译)方面有所突破,将知识习得、技能与能力培育融入教材内容中。主要包括如下内容:导游的历史、现状与未来,导游人员,导游工作内容,导游语言艺术,旅游事故的预防和处理,旅行和交际常识等。本书邀请外国专家审定了全书的英文部分,确保了语言的规范性、可读性及实用性。

英语导游实务 目录

chapter 1 introduction to the course
 1.1 textbook at a glance
 1.2 structure of each chapter
 1.3 level of the textbook
 1.4 course structure
 1.5 teaching and learning strategies
 1.6 assessment details
 1.7 teaching plan
chapter 2 tour guiding: its origin,growth and future
 2.1 beginning of the story
 2.2 development of the story
 2.3 breakthrough of the story
 2.4 continuance of the story
 2.5 prospects of the story
chapter 3 practical insights into tourist guide
 3.1 career definition
 3.2 classification of tourist guides
 3.3 roles of tourist guide
chapter 4 qualification and training
 4.1 qualification
 4.2 certification
 4.3 licensing
 4.4 training
chapter 5 legal and ethical issues in tour guiding
 5.1 legal requirement
 5.2 code of practice
 5.3 ethical obligations
chapter 6 job description of guiding group
 6.1 tour manager
 6.2 tour operator
 6.3 tour leader
 6.4 tour escort
 6.5 local tour guide
 6.6 on-site guide
chapter 7 essential steps for guiding
 7.1 pre-tour arrangement
 7.2 meeting the group
 7.3 checking-in the hotel
 7.4 conducting the tour
chapter 8 presentation techniques
chapter 9 communication techniques
chapter 10 group management
参考文献 英语导游实务
