英语导游实务 内容简介
英语导游实务 目录
chapter 1 introduction to the course 1.1 textbook at a glance 1.2 structure of each chapter 1.3 level of the textbook 1.4 course structure 1.5 teaching and learning strategies 1.6 assessment details 1.7 teaching plan chapter 2 tour guiding: its origin,growth and future 2.1 beginning of the story 2.2 development of the story 2.3 breakthrough of the story 2.4 continuance of the story 2.5 prospects of the story chapter 3 practical insights into tourist guide 3.1 career definition 3.2 classification of tourist guides 3.3 roles of tourist guide chapter 4 qualification and training 4.1 qualification 4.2 certification 4.3 licensing 4.4 training chapter 5 legal and ethical issues in tour guiding 5.1 legal requirement 5.2 code of practice 5.3 ethical obligations chapter 6 job description of guiding group 6.1 tour manager 6.2 tour operator 6.3 tour leader 6.4 tour escort 6.5 local tour guide 6.6 on-site guide chapter 7 essential steps for guiding 7.1 pre-tour arrangement 7.2 meeting the group 7.3 checking-in the hotel 7.4 conducting the tour …… chapter 8 presentation techniques chapter 9 communication techniques chapter 10 group management appendix 参考文献