学前英语综合教程-5-(内含光盘) 内容简介
前教育专业和学前英语或双语教育专业设计的英语综 合教材。全套教材包括《综合教程》、《综合练习》
、《教学参考书》及配套的听力音像资料和ppt课件 。
》为《综合教程》(第5册)。全书共10个单元,供一 学年使用。每单元包括听说(listening and
speaking)、阅读(read—ing)、语法和修辞 (grammar and rhetoric)、写作(writing)和开心一
刻(fun time)。《学前英语综合教程》以学前教育前 沿思想和方法为主线进行编写,精选蒙台梭利教育思
想、奥尔夫音乐教学法、多元智能、特殊儿童教育等 英文文章,可以提升学生的专业素养。
学前英语综合教程-5-(内含光盘) 目录
unit 1 what is creativity listening and speaking reading grammar and rhetoric writing fun time unit 2 special children listening and speaking reading grammar and rhetoric writing fun time unit 3 orffteaching method listening and speaking reading grammar and rhetoric writing fun time unit 4 multiple intelligences listening and speaking reading grammar and rhetoric writing fun time unit 5 psychology development of children listening and speaking reading grammar and rhetoric writing fun time unit 6 construction of games listening and speaking reading grammar and rhetoric writing fun time unit 7 early childhood education listening and speaking reading grammar and rhetoric writing fun time unit 8 practice of montessori listening and speaking reading grammar and rhetoric writing fun time unit 9 environmental establishment of kindergartens listening and speaking reading grammar and rhetoric writing fun time unit 10 children's personality listening and speaking reading grammar and rhetoric writing fun time