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  2020-09-28 00:00:00  

实用纺织英语 内容简介

  本书是高职高专院校纺织类或纺织贸易类专业英语课程的项目化教材。它兼具纺织生产、产品及贸易英语为一体,内含大量真实的纺织贸易英语函电、原汁原味的纺织品进出口领域的英文资料。每个项目和任务均设计了教学目标、英文短篇、企业资料或情景函电、拓展任务等元素,实用性强。  本书既可用作高职高专院校纺织专业课教材,也可作为纺织贸易从业人员的自学参考书。

实用纺织英语 目录

item 1:  introduce one textile corporation                           1
task 1:  understand the company profile …………………….....3
task 2:  understand the departments of company…………….…8
task 3:  understand the business card………………………   13
item 2:  learn to write textile business mails                      19
task 1:  understand business mails  …………………………….21
task 2:  establishment of business relations…. …. …. ….….  29
task 3:  enquiry for textiles……………………………………..  41
task 4:  quotation and offer………   ……………………………52
task 5:  counter offer……………………………………………….64
task 6:  textile business order and contract  …………..……..72
task 7:  other affairs of textile business………………………… 81                
item 3: learn english for textile and its production                  88
task 1:  understand textiles in china………………………….….90 实用纺织英语
