经济学专业英语教程(第三版·下)(大学专业英语系列教材;教育部推荐教材) 本书特色
经济学专业英语教程(第三版·下)(大学专业英语系列教材;教育部推荐教材) 目录
unit one
text: income and work
additional text: income distribution and poverty
unit two
text: population
additional text: the coequences of high fertility:
some conflicting opinio
unit three
text: human resources management
additional text: the exteive brain drain
unit four
text: environmental protection
additional text: methods of pollution control
unit five
text: investments
additional text: the major types of investo
unit six
text: iurance
additional text: types of iurance businesses need
unit seven
text: marketing
additional text: marketing strategies
unit eight
text: international trade
additional text: national competitive advantage and diamond
unit nine
text: wto
additional text: gatt and multilateral trade negotiatio
unit ten
text: nontariff barrie
additional text: dumping and antidumping
unit eleven
text: multinational corporatio
additional text: foreign direct investment and multinational
unit twelve
text: foreign aid
additional text: tne world bank group and the international
monetary fund
unit thirteen
text: economic globalization
additional text: regional economic integration
unit fourteen
text: the ruropean union
additional text: the broad economic guidelines of the eu
appendix ⅰ awe to exercises
appendix ⅱ chinese tralation of the texts