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  2020-09-28 00:00:00  

经济学专业英语教程(第三版·下)(大学专业英语系列教材;教育部推荐教材) 本书特色

     《经济学专业英语教程(第3版下大学专业英语系列教材)》由宋利芳、张勇先、高宏存主编,下册共有14单元,每一单元包括主课文和副课文,内容涉及应用经济学以及经济管理和经济实务方面的主要问题。各单元的主课文内容分别为:**单元收入和工作;第二单元:人口;第三单元:人力资源管理;第四单元:环境保护;第五单元:投资;第六单元:保险;第七单元:市场营销;第八单元:国际贸易;第九单元:世界贸易组织;第十单元:非关税壁垒;第十一单元:跨国公司;第十二单元:外国援助;第十三单元:经济全球化;第十四单元:欧洲联盟。 就内容而言,下册比上册的涉及面广。不仅有宏观经济学和微观经济学的内容,同时增加了当今世界经济发展所涉及的话题,如:跨国公司、环境保护、岍。以及欧盟概况等,供读者阅读学习。

经济学专业英语教程(第三版·下)(大学专业英语系列教材;教育部推荐教材) 目录

unit one text: income and work additional text: income distribution and poverty unit two text: population additional text: the coequences of high fertility: some conflicting opinio unit three text: human resources management additional text: the exteive brain drain unit four text: environmental protection additional text: methods of pollution control unit five text: investments additional text: the major types of investo unit six text: iurance additional text: types of iurance businesses need unit seven text: marketing additional text: marketing strategies unit eight text: international trade additional text: national competitive advantage and diamond model unit nine text: wto additional text: gatt and multilateral trade negotiatio unit ten text: nontariff barrie additional text: dumping and antidumping unit eleven text: multinational corporatio additional text: foreign direct investment and multinational enterprises unit twelve text: foreign aid additional text: tne world bank group and the international monetary fund unit thirteen text: economic globalization additional text: regional economic integration unit fourteen text: the ruropean union additional text: the broad economic guidelines of the eu appendix ⅰ awe to exercises appendix ⅱ chinese tralation of the texts 经济学专业英语教程(第三版·下)(大学专业英语系列教材;教育部推荐教材)
