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  2020-09-28 00:00:00  

大学体验英语视听说教程教学参考书-1 本书特色

《大学体验英语视听说教程1·教学参考书》:《大学体验英语视听说教程》特色1 自主探究式学习与团队协作式学习相结合2 人文素养提高与品格教育兼顾3 独特的口语任务驱动设计保证交流的有效性4 自然真实的视听资料营造逼真的语言学习环境5 教学活动设计经学生试用,操控性强6 与大学英语四、六级机网考接轨7 教材与网站相互支撑

大学体验英语视听说教程教学参考书-1 目录

Unit 1 Stay Hungry, Stay FoolishUnit 2 The Internet: A Double-Edged SwordUnit 3 Public TransportUnit 4 Financial IntelligenceUnit 5 Animation World Unit 6 Post-Olympic AgeUnit 7 BodyLanguageUnit 8 Beyond the BluesAppendixA Supplementary Reading,Appendix B Debating

大学体验英语视听说教程教学参考书-1 节选


大学体验英语视听说教程教学参考书-1 相关资料

插图:At the start of freshman year, finding a job after graduation is probably the last thing on yourmind, but before you know it, it'll be senior year and finding that job will be your top priority. Hi, I'mLindsey Pollak, Generation Y career expert and author of Getting from College to Career. I'm standinghere on the campus of Columbia University to talk about a four-year plan to land the job of yourdreams after you graduate.Well, everybody's experience is very different. There are a few guidelines you can follow foreach of your four years. Freshman year, don't worry too much about your career plans. Try lots ofactivities, get your feet wet on campus and take several different classes to see what it is you mostenjoy. Sophomore year is the time to narrow down your academic focus and decide on a collegemajor. You also want to narrow your options in terms of your extracurricular activities to focus onyour biggest commitments.And finally I recommend getting a professional internship the summer between your sophomoreand junior years to start having professional experience you'll be able to list on a r~sum6. Junior yearis a time to take on leadership positions in the extracurricular activities that you've chosen. It's alsoreally important to get your GPA above a 3.0 because that's the cut-off for many employers to giveyou a job. And finally if you haven't done an internship already, it's essential to have at least one onyour r6sum6 by the end of your junior year. During your senior year, your goal should be to find a balance among the leadership positionsyou've taken on in your extracurricular activities, keeping up your grade point average in yourcollege major and focusing on the job search for a position after graduation. I strongly encourageyou to become involved in your career services centre to make sure you're clear on the deadlines andrequirements for any jobs you will be applying to.And finally it's your senior year of college. Enjoy, have some fun. Take some time to really enjoycollege before you're off into the real world.Now that you've got your four-year college career plan underway, let's talk about that dormroom situation. For tips on decorating in small spaces, check out the Back to School series onfncimag.com. I'm Lindsey Pollak. Thanks for clicking on.

