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  2020-10-03 00:00:00  

美国经典语文课本-6-英文原版+同步导学版 本书特色

    呈现于读者面前的这套《美国经典语文课本:mcguffey readers》,亦名《麦加菲读本》,其编者威廉·h·麦加菲曾先后任美国迈阿密大学语言学教授和俄亥俄大学校长。从移民时期以来,这套《美国经典语文课本:mcguffey readers》影响了四五代美国人的成长,对奠定美国人的道德观与价值观起到了很大作用。本版《美国经典语文课本:mcguffey readers》的突出特点是,在精彩的原文基础上,增加了导学功能。这一功能包括两个部分:一是课后训练(study guide),这些练习由加拿大公立学校教师与英语教学者共同编写,帮助读者更好地掌握词汇、学会阅读、理解思考;二是朗读制作,加拿大高中从事表演与视觉艺术教学的 schwartz,利用工作之余的时间,重新录制和编辑配套朗读。配套英文朗读免费下载使用,详见图书封底博客信息。     《美国经典语文课本:mcguffey readers》第6册引用了莎士比亚、朗费罗、狄更斯、艾迪生等名家名篇,通过一篇篇短小精悍的故事,将道德教育的内容倾注于作品之中,让孩子在欣赏这些优美文章的同时,从中感受到道德教育的力量。      mcguffey readers is a series of graded primers, including grade levels 1-6, widely used as textbooks in american schools from the mid-19th century to the mid-20th century, and are still used today in some private schools and in homeschooling. it is estimated that at least 125 million copies of mcguffey readers were sold till the year of 1960, placing its sales in a category with the bible and webster's dictionary .    in the sixth and final reader, 111 great authors were quoted,including shakespeare, longfellow, dickens and addison.

美国经典语文课本-6-英文原版+同步导学版 内容简介

    从19世纪中期至20世纪中叶,这套《美国经典语文课本:mcguffey readers》一直被广泛用作美国学校的语文教材,据称有10000多所美国学校拿它当作教材。在21世纪的今天,西方一些私立学校和家庭学校仍用它作为教材,足见这套《美国经典语文课本:mcguffey readers》的价值与影响力。据估计,这套《美国经典语文课本:mcguffey readers》从问世至今,至少发行了1.22亿册。应该说,没有哪一套个人主编的教材能超过《美国经典语文课本:mcguffey readers》发行量了!      国内出版的这套《美国经典语文课本:mcguffey readers》读本完整保持了英文原版内容,共分为1~6级,从英语启蒙开始,循序渐进,是一套呈现美国文学与历史文化、体现美国精神与价值观念的优秀读本,《美国经典语文课本:mcguffey readers》也是中国学生系统学习英语,提高阅读水平的一套很有价值的读物。本版的《美国经典语文课本:mcguffey readers》突出特点,在精彩的原文基础上,增加了导学功能。这一功能包括两个部分:一是课后训练(study guide),这些练习由加拿大公立学校教师与英语教学者共同编写,帮助读者更好地掌握词汇、学会阅读、理解思考;二是朗读制作,加拿大高中从事表演与视觉艺术教学的 schwartz,利用工作之余的时间,重新录制和编辑配套朗读。配套英文朗读免费下载使用,详见图书封底博客信息。这是一套什么样的书:*《美国出版周刊》列入该书为“人类出版史上销量第3位”,销量累计1.25亿册。* 美国斯坦福大学的“美国学生教材与读本展览”特别陈列此套经典;* 汽车大王福特先生儿时受益此书,后来自费印刷数万套,赠送给学校;* 美国现代家庭仍作为“homeschooling”的阅读范本,网上学习论坛众多;* 全球*配有学习导读版,加拿大英语教师为中国学生特别编写练习;* 更重要的是,她是一套融英语学习、经典美读、心灵教育于一体的优秀读本。 

美国经典语文课本-6-英文原版+同步导学版 目录

lesson1 anecdote of the duke of newcastlelesson2 the needlelesson3 dawnlesson4 description of a stormlesson5 after the thunderstorm.lesson6 house cleaninglesson7 schemes of life often illusorylesson8 the brave old oaklesson9 the artist surprisedlesson10 pictures of memorylesson11 the morning oratoriolesson12 short selections in poetrylesson13 death of little nelllesson14 vanity of lifelesson15 a political pauselesson16 my experience in elocutionlesson17 elegy in a country churchyardlesson18 tact and talentlesson19 speech before the virginia conventionlesson20 the american flaglesson21 ironical eulogy on debtlesson22 the three warningslesson23 the memory of our fatherslesson24 short selections in proselesson25 the jolly old pedagoguelesson26 the teacher and sick scholarlesson27 the snow showerlesson28 character of napoleon bonapartelesson29 napoleon at restlesson30 warlesson31 speech of walpole in reproof of mr. pittlesson32 pitt’s reply to sir robert walpolelesson33 character of mr. pittlesson34 the soldier’s restlesson35 henry v. to his troopslesson36 speech of paul on mars hilllesson37 god is everywherelesson38 lafayette and robert raikeslesson39 fall of cardinal wolseylesson40 the philosopherlesson41 marmion and douglaslesson42 the presentlesson43 the baptismlesson44 sparrowslesson45 observance of the sabbathlesson46 god’s goodness to such as fear himlesson47 character of columbuslesson48 “he giveth his beloved sleep”lesson49 description of a siegelesson50 marco bozzarislesson51 song of the greek bardlesson52 north american indianslesson53 lochiel’s warninglesson54 on happiness of temperlesson55 the fortune tellerlesson56 rienzi’s address to the romanslesson57 the puritan fathers of new englandlesson58 landing of the pilgrim fatherslesson59 necessity of educationlesson60 riding on a snowplowlesson61 the quarrel of brutus and cassiuslesson62 the quack.lesson63 rip van winklelesson64 bill and joelesson65 sorrow for the deadlesson66 the eaglelesson67 political tolerationlesson68 what constitutes a statelesson69 the brave at homelesson70 south carolinalesson71 massachusetts and south carolinalesson72 the church scene from evangelinelesson73 song of the shirtlesson74 diamond cut diamondlesson75 thanatopsislesson76 indian jugglerslesson77 antony over caesar’s dead bodylesson78 the english characterlesson79 the song of the potterlesson80 a hot day in new york.lesson81 discontent. —an allegorylesson82 jupiter and ten.lesson83 scene from “the poor gentleman”lesson84 my mother’s picturelesson85 death of samsonlesson86 an evening adventurelesson87 the barefoot boylesson88 the glove and the lionslesson89 the folly of intoxicationlesson90 starved rock.lesson91 prince henry and falstafflesson92 studieslesson93 surrender of granadalesson94 hamlet’s soliloquylesson95 ginevra.lesson96 inventions and discoverieslesson97 enoch arden at the windowlesson98 lochinvar lesson 99 speech on the trial of a murdererlesson100 the closing yearlesson101 a new city in coloradolesson102 importance of the unionlesson103 the influences of the sunlesson104 colloquial powers of franklinlesson105 the dream of clarencelesson106 homeward boundlesson107 impeachment of warren hastingslesson108 destruction of the carnaticlesson109 the ravenlesson110 a view of the colosseumlesson111 the bridgelesson112 objects and limits of sciencelesson113 the downfall of poland.lesson114 laborlesson115 the last days of herculaneum.lesson116 how men reasonlesson117 thunderstorm on the alps.lesson118 origin of propertylesson119 battle of waterloolesson120 “with brains, sir”lesson121 the new england pastorlesson122 death of absalomlesson123 abraham davenportlesson124 the falls of the yosemitelesson125 a psalm of lifelesson126 franklin’s entry into philadelphia.lesson127 lines to a waterfowllesson128 goldsmith and addisonlesson129 immortality of the soullesson130 character of washingtonlesson131 eulogy on washingtonlesson132 the solitary reapelesson133 value of the presentlesson134 happinesslesson135 marionlesson136 a common thoughtlesson137 a definite aim in readinglesson 138 ode to mt.blanc

美国经典语文课本-6-英文原版+同步导学版 相关资料

    这套《美国经典语文课本:mcguffey readers》读本,由美国著名教育家、俄亥俄大学校长威廉·h·麦加菲花费20多年时间倾心主编,至l920年累计销量便高达l.22亿册,是美国最畅销的语文课本,被《时代周刊》评为“人类出版史上第三大畅销书”。

美国经典语文课本-6-英文原版+同步导学版 作者简介

   《美国经典语文课本:McGuffey Readers》作者 威廉·H·麦加菲,美国著名教育家。1800年出生于宾夕法尼亚州,1826年毕业于华盛顿大学杰斐逊学院。在数十年教育生涯中,他曾担任过迈阿密大学语言学教授,俄亥俄大学校长。自1845年开始任弗吉尼亚大学道德哲学教授。他还帮助组建了俄亥俄州公立学校体系。     早在19世纪初期,麦加菲就意识到,应该给那些孤独的垦荒者和欧洲移民的后代提供普遍的教育,于是他利用自己作为演讲家与教育工作者的天赋,开始为孩子们编写系列教材。这套《美国经典语文课本:McGuffey Readers》教材共7册,从学龄前至第6年级。他前后花费了20多年的时间才完成《美国经典语文课本:McGuffey Readers》全套教材的编写。这套《美国经典语文课本:McGuffey Readers》教材面世后就被美国很多学校选为课本。在75年间销量高达1.22亿,直到今天仍以各种版本流行于西方,被美国《出版周刊》评为“人类出版史上第三大畅销书”,对美国青年的心灵塑造与道德培养产生了深远的影响。

