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  2020-10-04 00:00:00  

常春藤英语-八级.三 本书特色

《常春藤英语 八级·三》是按照《普通高中英语课程标准》八级要求编写的,适合高三年级学生阅读。这套书的选材以北美、澳洲经典名篇为主,其语言或雅或谑,各成一家;故事内容亦是包罗万象,各色人等纷纷登台,将平凡人一生都不会经历的精彩拿到一个小小的册子里来演绎;为了帮助读者更好的理解这些经典,编写者还围绕文章主线设置了一系列问题,对重难点词汇进行了注解,并设计了辅助性题目。

常春藤英语-八级.三 目录

1.the judge’s debt
2.an adventure with a bear
3.lessons on health—dangers to avoid
4.whitewashing the fence
5.the sagacious judge
6.lessons on health —the house we live in
7.sunrise in the blue mountains
8.lessons on health —the conclusion
10.a bush fire
11.water resources
12.the men of whitby
13.all hands to the pumps
14.brain gymnastics
15.the drover’s wife
16.the great barrier reef
17.stalked by a lion
18.optimism: the key to a good life
19.the loaded dog
20.clutter removing
21.sir roger at church
22.the feather
23.a wonderful bird
24.when did you last see your father
25.the baron and the charcoal burner
27.the clambake
28.ants and their slaves
29.merdhin and the wolves
30.the diver and the turtle
31.love is a fallacy (i)
32.love is a fallacy (ii)
33.a rush
34.a rough ride
35.childhood obesity
36.the story of abou hassan the wag
37.the service of love
38.can a free society survive?
39.the making of the hammer
40.the dream of tommy hurst
41.nonverbal communication
42.rolf’s leap
43.can you charm your way into oxbridge?
44.the great fight
45.traveler’s wonders
46.doubting castle and giant despair
47.the landings of the anzacs
48.the conquest of the matterhorn
49.well bowled
50.amyas leigh and his revenge
51.the invisible poor
52.her first ball
53.our new neighbors

常春藤英语-八级.三 作者简介

聂成军,教育硕士,中学高级教师。现任北京市海淀区教师进修学校教研员、英语教研室主任。中央电教馆、教育部课程与教材发展中心特聘专家;北京教育考试院高考试题评价专家组成员、自主会考试题评价组组长;北京教育学院特聘英语骨干教师培训导师;海淀区教委名师工作站英语学科组导师;北师大版高中英语教材编者之一。 栗瑞莲,2001年毕业于北京师范大学外语系,后于美国波士顿大学获硕士学位。先后任教于北大附中、清华附中两所名校,并一直担任高中英语教学工作;连年执教高三,了解高三学生的需求。同时,作为海淀区兼职教研员及中心命题组的核心成员,对阅读的教学及命题有深入的研究。

