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  2020-10-04 00:00:00  

好玩的数学-美国原版青少年核心能力拓展-3级 本书特色

本书原版影印自美国知名教育类出版社teachers created materials inc.的targeted mathematics series,全面体现美国学前阶段儿童所要掌握的数学基础知识和英语表达,同时展现出美国儿童生动活泼的学习和游戏场景。小读者不仅可以从中领会原汁原味的美国儿童学习内容,还可以学习地道的英语语言表达,同时在游戏中开展学习,开拓思维。有效地提高小读者们的学习兴趣,丰富知识范围和开阔眼界。本书适合国内学龄前阶段的小读者使用。

好玩的数学-美国原版青少年核心能力拓展-3级 内容简介

该系列引自美国知名教育类出版社teachers created materials inc.,全面体现了美国儿童从学前阶段(level k)到小学直至初中三年级(level 1-8)的现行数学课程的教学内容和教学要求,同时展示了美国小学生生动活泼的学习场景。小读者们不仅可以从中学习到原汁原味的美国儿童课堂学习内容,还可以了解地道的英语语言表达,掌握实用的表述方法和学习经验,学会用英语表述自己所学的知识,开拓英语思维和提高英语口语水平,为今后的英语课程和未来出国深造打下良好的基础。本书内容活泼有趣,学习与游戏相结合,强调创新与发散性思维,能够极大地提高小读者的学习兴趣,丰富知识范围和开阔眼界,保证了学习效果。相信会受到广大小读者以及家长们的喜爱。
?引自国外知名老牌教育类出版社,课程设计规范,学习内容深入浅出,内容丰富。?全面体现了美国儿童从学前阶段(level k)到小学直至初中二年级(level 1-8)的现行数学课程的教学内容和教学要求,同时展示了美国小学生生动活泼的学习场景。让小读者们不用走出国门,即可轻松领略国外小学课堂的知识和氛围。?在学习数学知识的同时,学习原汁原味的英语语言表达,掌握实用的表述方法和学习经验,学会用英语表述自己所学的知识,开拓英语思维和提高英语口语水平,为今后的英语学习和未来出国深造打下良好的基础。?内容趣味性极强,生动活泼,学习与游戏相结合,强调创新与发散性思维,能够极大地提高小读者的学习兴趣,保证学习效果。

好玩的数学-美国原版青少年核心能力拓展-3级 目录

student welcome letter
diagnostic test
lesson 1
creating a table 1
standardized test preparation 1
lesson 2
number lines
pet contest
standardized test preparation 2
lesson 3
make the number
addition problems
creating a table 1 problems
standardized test preparation 3
lesson 4
number sacks
subtraction problems
buying school supplies
standardized test preparation 4
lesson 5
number line 0-1,000
creating a table i group problems
standardized test preparation s
lesson 6
don't count on it! 1
don't count on it! 2
guessing and checking
standardized test preparation 6
lesson 7
multiplication grid
on the farm
standardized test preparation 7
lesson 8
hundreds chart
guessing and checking problems
standardized test preparation 8
lesson 9
missing numbers
make four
how to play football
standardized test preparation 9
lesson 10
divide and check
guessing and checking group problems
standardized test preparation 10
lesson 11
fractions fun
color the fraction
looking for a pattern
standardized test preparation 11
lesson 12
fractions of a set
picture fractions
taking a field trip
standardized test preparation 12
lesson 13
fraction wall
greater than or less than
comparing fractions
looking for a pattern problems
standardized test preparation 13
lesson 14
equivalent fractions
ordering fractions
pay day
standardized test preparation 14
lesson 15
patterns and sequences
looking for a pattern group problems
standardized test preparation 15
lesson 16
creating a table 2
standardized test preparation 16
lesson 17
perimeters of shapes
car trouble
standardized test preparation 17
lesson 18
crazy capacities
measuring capacities
creating a table 2 problems
standardized test preparation 18
lesson 19
estimating and measuring length
parent open house
standardized test preparation 19
lesson 20
digital and analog
matching times
matching tern peratures
creating a table 2 group problems
standardized test preparation 20
lesson 21
sorting shapes
acting it out or using concrete materials
standardized test preparation 21
lesson 22
congruent rectangles and triangles
quilting bee
standardized test preparation 22
lesson 23
mirror images
acting it out or using concrete
materials problems
standardized test preparation 23
lesson 24
creating patterns
getting around town
standardized test preparation 24
lesson 25
three-dimensional shapes
acting it out or using concrete
materials group problems
standardized test preparation 25
lesson 26
rattle tickets
drawing a diagram
standardized test preparation 26
lesson 27
our heights
graphing height
we all scream for ice cream
standardized test preparation 27
lesson 28
would you rather
what would you rather do?
would you rather... bar graph
drawing a diagram problems
standardized test preparation 28
lesson 29
collecting box coupons
celebrating a birthday
standardized test preparation 29
lesson 30
will it or won't it?
drawing a diagram group problems
standardized test preparation 30
appendix a: games directions
appendix b: mathematics chart
appendix c: glossary
appendix d: answer key 

好玩的数学-美国原版青少年核心能力拓展-3级 作者简介

美国知名教育类出版社Teacher Created Materials, Inc.(TCM)首席作者及主管编辑,同时兼任美国少年儿童拓展训练营指导教师,曾出版多种著作,如《为你的夏利营做好准备》等。

