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  2020-10-04 00:00:00  

小学英语-4年级-快乐阅读天天练-方洲新概念-新课标 内容简介

  《方洲新概念:新课标小学英语快乐阅读天天练(4年级)》所选短文,按照由浅入深、由简到难的顺序进行编排,分为基础篇、进阶篇和提高篇三个部分,从不同层次训练学生的阅读能力。每篇文章都配有精美插图和精彩译文,帮助小学生进行理解。文章后的知识点和题型涵盖了小学生阅读理解中经常出现的知识考点和训练形式,进一步加深学生对短文的理解和消化。   阅读能力的提高是一个循序渐进的过程,而快乐地阅读则是学生进行阅读*坚实的阶梯,相信该丛书一定能给学生营造一个快乐阅读的氛围,激发他们的阅读兴趣,轻松提高英语水平。

小学英语-4年级-快乐阅读天天练-方洲新概念-新课标 目录

kids' love
why is he late?
where is my hamburger?
a bad writer
so many tickets
where is my cat?
two holes
he came to say goodbye
time to get up
i'm his tailor
amazing elevator
schoolls not that bad
hair and beard
a special bridge
does the dog know?
our sun
air is everywhere
old man and old cat
what to eat?
union is strength
a good seller
find the daughter
where are we going?
a green tongue

special classroom
the world outside
put back my beard
it's a shadow
go home by car
thanks to the giraffe
mysterious sea
a great father
spring festival
horse in the sea
a day of john
my best friend
tina and her dolls
the best skirt
参考答案 小学英语-4年级-快乐阅读天天练-方洲新概念-新课标
