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  2020-10-04 00:00:00  

六年级-英语快速阅读完形与填空-(修订版) 本书特色

  内容一如既往地丰富新颖,与时俱进   选材内容与题目设计的难度更加合理    装订灵活别致,内侧针孔更便于撕取   课前课尾与课后方便集体或个人使用   滴水穿石,英语阅读能力有显著提升

六年级-英语快速阅读完形与填空-(修订版) 内容简介

  本丛书所选取的素材涉及文化、经济、科技、文娱、体育及社会生活等多个方面。内容丰富、选材新颖、具有时代感,为广大学生所喜闻乐见。   丛书的装订灵活别致:在页面的内侧压有一行齿痕,便于撕取。既适合在老师指导下集体使用,也适合学生个别使用。 本书共有40个单元,每单元安排1篇阅读材料和不同题型的2篇完形填空材料。在每篇材料的题目下方,印有空格供学生填写姓名、答案,同时便于老师批改、评分。每篇阅读材料后均标有“建议阅读时间”,老师既可利用早读课让学生做此练习,也可将该书安排为寒暑假读物;学生个人使用时也可根据“建议阅读时间”及标准答案来测试自己阅读水平的提高情况。   本丛书得到授权,有部分材料选自新加坡shing lee出版社出版的教材,在此谨向他们表示诚挚的谢意!

六年级-英语快速阅读完形与填空-(修订版) 目录

unit 1 my family
unit 2 a special guest
unit 3 getting around in hongkong
unit 4 what job do you do?
unit 5 british boarding schools
unit 6 my neighbours
unit 7 rules of protecting yourself when home alone
unit 8 shops in britain
unit 9 vegetarians
unit 10 tips on eating out
unit 11 fast food
unit 12 welcome to england
unit 13 international language holidays
unit 14 chinese new year's customs
unit 15 christmas--a wonderful time
unit 16 something about sports
unit 17 giving is getting
unit 18 summer school courses
unit 19 four seasons of a tree
unit 20 who are the top students
unit 21 the change in my life
unit 22 tips on learning english
unit 23 a forest fire
unit 24 clean the indoor air
unit 25 the world is thirsty
unit 26 a letter from mars
unit 27 special days for parents
unit 28 can you stay and play with me?
unit 29 book show
unit 30 a trip to new york
unit 31 a fun job
unit 32 school
unit 33 violin lessons
unit 34 safety rules in an earthquake
unit 35 american food
unit 36 camping is fun!
unit 37 healthy eating
unit 38 how to create a class homepage?
unit 39 wind energy
unit 40 advertisements
keys 六年级-英语快速阅读完形与填空-(修订版)
