小学五年级上册-悦读联播-附赠MP3光盘一张 本书特色
小学五年级上册-悦读联播-附赠MP3光盘一张 内容简介
《悦读联播》(小学版)就是依据《英语课程标准》的精神,专门为中国小学生编写的一套分级有声读物。全系列共8册,每册由15篇文章、诗歌或歌谣组成,适合小学三年级至六年级的学生阅读。学生也可以根据自己的水平灵活选用。另外,这套读物与剑桥少儿英语考试(cambridge young learners english tests)的四个级别,即预备级、一级、二级和三级大致对应,可作为该系列考试的拓展阅读材料。
小学五年级上册-悦读联播-附赠MP3光盘一张 目录
1 the story of firecrackers
2 the beggar and the chicker
3 tom’s new hobby
4 chinatown
5 a backwards mornin9
6 asia’s fast food
7 wu sonq
8 silly jack
9 air show
10 the bear, the woodsman and
11 the traveller
12 the elephant and the spider
13 the magic stone
14 monsters
15 the empty city
小学五年级上册-悦读联播-附赠MP3光盘一张 节选
小学五年级上册-悦读联播-附赠MP3光盘一张 相关资料
插图:Later Lingling knocked on the door of her grandmother's house.But no one came.“Where is Grandma?”Lingling thought.Then she heard a voice.“Hello,Lingling.”The sun was very bright.Lingling put her hand over her eyes.Then she saw her grandmother.She was sitting on a bench in the garden.“Oh,there you are,”said Lingling and ran to the bench.She was laughing.“Come and sit next to me, Lingling,”said Grandma.“But you must be very quiet.”Lingling sat down very quietly and listened.She could hear a bird.But where was it? Just then the bird flew down from a nearby tree.It looked at Lingling and Grandma.Then it pulled somethingfrom the ground.It was a long worm.“Ugh,”said Lingling.“I don’t like worms.” “But baby birds do,”said Grandma.“Look!”