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  2020-05-14 00:00:00  

可视化教师隐性知识之知识地图辅助评量系统:英文 本书特色


可视化教师隐性知识之知识地图辅助评量系统:英文 内容简介


可视化教师隐性知识之知识地图辅助评量系统:英文 目录

chapter 1 introduction
1.1 background and motivation
1.2 goals and contributions
1.3 organization of this book
chapter 2 the role of assessment in classroom
chapter 3 assessment, course concepts and items
chapter 4 computer-assistedassessment system and tools
4.1 computer-based assessment (cba) and computer-assisted
assessment (caa)
4.2 existing computer-assistedassessment systems
chapter 5 implicit assessment knowledge of teachers
chapter 6 knowledge and knowledge management
6.1 tacit knowledge and explicit knowledge
6.2 knowledge management
6.3 reusing tacit knowledge
chapter 7 knowledge representation and visualization /49
7.1 knowledge representation
7.2 knowledge visualizations
chapter 8 knowledge map
8.1 the type of knowledge map
8.2 various applications of knowledge maps
8.3 knowledge map development and construction
8.4 automated construction of knowledge map
chapter 9 test item categorization
chapter 10 clustering technology and clustering in education
10.1 clustering technology
10.2 k-means and k-medoids
10.3 clustering in education application
10.4 teacher clusters
chapter 11 personalization and item recommendation
11.1 personalization
11.2 recommendation systems
11.3 item recommendation
chapter 12 knowledge map assisting assessment system
12.1 the kmaas architecture and the methodology
12.2 kmaas implementation and operations
12.4 experiment design
12.5 evaluation and discussion of kmaas
12.6 limitations of the evaluation of kmaas
chapter 13 internet-based knowledge map assisting assessment
13.1 knowledge accumulation and visualization methodology
13.2 ikmaas architecture
13.3 ikmaas implementation and operations
13.4 experiment design
13.5 evaluation and discussion of ikmaas
chapter 14 item recommendation uses the teacher cluster-based
collaborative filtering approach
14.1 clustering teacher's assessment knowledge
14.2 item recommendation methodology
14.3 the mechanism of personalized item recommendation in
14.4 experimental design
14.5 results and discussion
chapter 15 summary and future work
subject index

可视化教师隐性知识之知识地图辅助评量系统:英文 作者简介

Chien-Yuan Su is currently an assistant professor in the Institute of Curriculum and Instruction (Institute of Educational Technology). In the past, he served a full-time postdoctoral in the Department of Engineering Science at Cheng Kung University, Taiwan, China. He received the M.S. in Department of Information and Learning Technology from University of Tainan in 2006; and acquired Ph.D. in Department of Engineering Science at Cheng Kung University in 2012. His major interests in the research field includes e- learning, learning and technology, e-Learning pedagogical strategies, developing e-Learning for specific subject domains and e-assessment.

