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  2020-05-14 00:00:00  

中国平面广告的批评隐喻研究 本书特色


中国平面广告的批评隐喻研究 目录

list of tables
list of figures
chapter 1 introduction
1.1 research background
1.2 purpose and significance
1.3 research assumptions and questions
1.4 organization of the book
chapter 2 literature review
2.1 signs, cultural symbols and visual culture
2.2 previous advertising researches
2.3 the inter-disciplinary nature of advertising
2.4 literature review on critical metaphor analysis
2.5 ideology and identity in advertising
chapter 3 linguistic and semiotic analysis
3.1 theoretical framework and methodology
3.2 sample data collection: sources and criteria
3.3 sample data treatment: linguistic and semiotic analysis
chapter 4 critical metaphor analysis
4.1 critical metaphor analysis of advertisements in china
4.2 sign (contextual) situations of advertisements
4.3 ideology changes reflected by china's illustrated print advertisements
4.4 identity changes reflected by china's illustrated print advertisements
chapter 5 conclusions and implications
5.1 a summary of the research in advertising in china
5.2 answers to the three research questions
5.3 theoretical and practical implications
5.4 limitations of critical metaphor analysis of the advertisements
appendix ⅰ
appendix ⅱ 中国平面广告的批评隐喻研究
