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  2020-05-14 00:00:00  

当代汉语公共话语中的篇际互文性研究 内容简介


当代汉语公共话语中的篇际互文性研究 目录

chapter one introduction
  1.1 introduction
  1.2 the object of the present study: interdiscursivity
  1.3 the rationale of the present study
  1.4 objectives of the present study
  1.5 notes on methodology and data collection
  1.6 outline of the book
chapter two a review of the relevant literature
  2.1 introduction
  2.2 terminological issue
  2.3 types of interdiscursivity
  2.4 interdiscursivity as a special kind of intertextuality
  2.5 approaches to the study of interdiscursivity
   2.5.1 interdiscursivity in literary texts: the stylistic approach
   2.5.2 interdiscursivity in non-literary texts: the cda approach 当代汉语公共话语中的篇际互文性研究
