人格心理学新进展(心理学新进展影印丛书) 目录
**编 人格的界定:对于稳定性的争论 PersonaIity Defined:The lssue Of StabiIity 人格的稳定性:观测结论及相关评价 Robert R.McCrae and Paul T.Costa,Jr. The Stability of Personality:Observations and Evaluations 人格一致性的轨迹:情境行为剖面图 Walter Mischel,Yuichi Shoda,and Rodolfo Mendoza―Denton Situation-Behavior Profiles as a Locus of Consistency in Personality 使人格超越个人与情境之争:来自个体内变异的挑战和机遇 William Fleeson Moving Personality Bey ond the Person_Situation Debate:The Challenge and the Opportunity of Within-Person Variability 第二编人格中生物机制的作用 The ROIe Of BiologicaI MechaniSms In PersonaIity 母性依恋的生物基础 Dario Maestripieri Biological Bases of Maternal Attachment 母亲产前压力在儿童发展中的作用 Janet A.Di Pietro The Role of Prenatal Maternal Stress in Child Development 压力的心理生物学 Marqaret E.Kemenv The Psvehobiologv of Stress 关于人格的行为遗传研究的新方向 Kimberly J.Saudino Moving Beyond the Heritability Question: New Direction in Behavioral Genetic Studies of Personality 第三编行为中的人格:人格的个体内加工 PersonaIity in Action:IntrapersonaI Processes 成人期情感、认知和自我的动态结合 Gisela Labouvie-Vief Uynami。Integration:A%ct,Cognition,and the Self in AdulIhd 分类倾向及其与人格的关系 Michael D.Robinson Personality as Performance Categorization Tendencies and Their Correlates 人格、策略行为与日常生活中的问题解决 Nancy Cantor and Robert E_Harlow Personality,Strategic Behavior,and Daily-Life Problem Solving 寻求真理 发现绝望:消极自我概念的某些不良后果 WiIliam B.Swann.Jr. seeking“Truth'’,Finding Despair:Some Unhappy consequenceses of a Negative Self-Concept 自尊、自恋和攻击:暴力行为源于低自尊还是自我危机? ROy F Baumeister,Brad J.Bushman,and W. Keith Campbell self-Esteem,Narcissism,and Aggression:Does Violence Result from Low Self-Esteem or from Threatened Egotism? 第四编 关系背景中的人格 Personality in ReIatiOnaI Contexts 气质和依恋;个体与关系 Past Relationships in the Present 解析自尊感 Mark R.Leary Making Sense of Self-Esteem 兄弟姊妹对儿童发展的直接和间接作用 Gene H.Brodv Siblings,Direct and Indirect Contributions to Child Development 宽恕的人格因素和心理机制 Michael E.McCullouclh Forgiveness:Who Does It and How Do They Do It? 第五编 人格对幸福感的含义 lmplications of PersonaIlty fOr Well―Being 发展中的心理弹性 Emmy E.Werner Resilience in Development 儿童时期的孤独感和同伴关系 Steven R.Asher and Julie A.Paquette Loneliness and Peer Relations in Childhood 压力、积极情绪及应对 Susan Folkman and Judith Tedlie Moskowitz Stress,Positive Emotion,and Coping 面部表情和个人调节 Dacher Keltner,Ann M.Kring,and George A.Bonanno Fleeting Signs of the Course of Life:Facial Expression and Personal Adjustment 人格主观幸福感的作用 KriStina M。DeNeVe Happv as an Extraverted Clam?The Role f Personality for Subjeetive well―Being 智力影响健康的原因 Linda S.GOttfredsOn and lan J.Dean, Intelligence Predicts Health and Lngevity,but Why?