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  2020-06-16 00:00:00  

病态性赌博法律问题探究 本书特色


病态性赌博法律问题探究 内容简介


病态性赌博法律问题探究 目录

Tables of Contents Introduction 0.1 Opening remarks 0.2 Key research questions 0.3 Sequence 0.4 Methodology Chapter I A General Introduction to Gambling and Pathological Gambling 1.1 Background 1.1.1 The definition and the forms of gaming 1.1.2 The benefits of gambling and the costs of gambling 1.1.3 Prohibition versus legalization 1.1.4 Possible solutions for a legislator 1.1.5 A model to follow 1.2 The issue of pathological gambling 1.2.1 What is it 1.2.2 Internet gambling & pathological gambling 1.2.3 Pathological gambling among youths 1.2.4 Comments Chapter II Legal Considerations of Self-Exclusion Program 2.1 Introduction 2.2 The legal nature of the self-exclusion program 2.3 Examples 2.3.1 USA 2.3.2 Canada—Ontario 2.3.3 New Zealand 2.3.4 Australia—Victoria 2.3.5 Singapore 2.4 Important questions 2.5 Comments Chapter III Do Gaming Operators Owe a Duty of Care to Pathological Gamblers 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Case study 3.3 Arguments 3.3.1 Arguments against “duty of care” 3.3.2 Arguments in favor of “duty of care” 3.4 Comments Chapter IV The Relationship Between Pathological Gambling Disorder and Criminal Law 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Case study 4.2.1 Pathological gambling as a criminal defense 4.2.2 Pathological gambling as a basis for sentencing mitigation 4.3 Arguments 4.3.1 Arguments in favor 4.3.2 Arguments against 4.4 Comments Chapter V Responsible Gambling 5.1 Definition of responsible gambling 5.2 Barriers and benefits of providing socially responsible gaming programs 5.3 Respective roles of the following three major stakeholders 5.3.1 Government 5.3.2 Gaming operators 5.3.3 Individual 5.4 Comments Conclusions Bibliography

病态性赌博法律问题探究 作者简介

吕冬娟, 女,湖南澧县人,法学博士。澳门城市大学法学院助理教授,澳门城市大学澳门社会经济发展研究中心研究员,东亚侵权法学会(AETL)澳门法域副秘书长,澳门立法及司法见解研究会(AELJM)执行副主编。长期从事私法的研究工作,积极参与私法制度的国际学术交流活动。主要研究领域为民法基础理论、合同法、担保法、侵权责任法、国际商法、国际仲裁和国际投资法等。曾先后参与澳门特别行政区土地法、中国城市的社区毒品研究、东亚侵权法示范法、澳门金融安全研究等多项研究课题,发表学术论文数篇,出版著作多部(如《澳门道路交通事故民事责任研究》,社会科学文献出版社2018年版)。

