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  2020-06-17 00:00:00  

合同法概论-(双语) 本书特色


合同法概论-(双语) 内容简介


合同法概论-(双语) 目录

目录 Chapter 1Introduction 第1章合同法概述 本章内容提要 英文阅读 1?1The Concept of Contract 1?2Types of Contracts 1?3The Contract Law 1?4Fundamental Principles of China?s Contract Law 内容解析 一、The Concept of Contract(合同的概念) 二、Types of the Contract(合同的分类) 三、Contract Law(合同法) Chapter 2Contract Formation 第2章合同的订立 本章内容提要 英文阅读 2?1Offer 2?2Acceptance 2?3Conduct Sufficient to Show Agreement 2?4Liability for Negotiation in Bad Faith 2?5Duty of Confidentiality 2?6Contents of Contract 2?7Formality of Contract 内容解析 一、Offer(要约) 二、Acceptance(承诺) 三、Contents of a Contract(合同的内容) Chapter 3Validity of a Contract 第3章合同的效力 本章内容提要 英文阅读 3?1The Requirement of Valid Contract 3?2Void Contract 3?3Voidable Contract 3?4Contracts of Undetermined Effect 内容解析 一、The Requirements of Valid Contract(有效合同要件) 二、Legal Capacity to Contract(订约能力) 三、 Void Contract(无效合同) 四、Voidable Contract(可撤销的合同) 五、Contract of Undetermined Effect(效力待定合同) Chapter 4Performance 第4章合同的履行 本章内容提要 英文阅读 4?1Introduction 4?2Determination of Obligations to be Performed 4?3Quantity and Partial Performance 4?4Earlier Performance 4?5Performance and the Third Party 4?6Defenses in the Performance of a Bilateral Contract 4?7Preservation of Contractual Rights 4?8Change Related the Parties 4?9Change of Circumstances 内容解析 一、Introduction of Performance(合同履行的概述) 二、Defenses in the Performance of Bilateral Contract(双务合同履行中的抗辩权) 三、Preservation of Contractual Rights(债的保全) 四、Change of Circumstances(情事变更原则) Chapter 5Modification and Transfer of Contract 第5章合同的变更和转让 本章内容提要 英文阅读 5?1Modification 5?2Transfer of Contract 5?3Combined Transfer of Contractual Rights and Obligations 内容解析 一、Contract Modification(合同的变更) 二、Assignment of Contractual Rights(合同权利的转让) 三、Transfer of Contractual Obligations or Delegation of Duties (合同义务的转让) 四、Combined Transfer(合同权利义务的概括转让) Chapter 6Discharge of Contract 第6章合同权利义务的终止 本章内容提要 英文阅读 6?1Introduction 6?2Discharge by Performance 6?3Discharge by Termination 6?4Discharge by Offset 6?5Discharge by Deposit 6?6Discharge by Release 6?7Discharge by Merger 内容解析 一、Introduction of Discharge(合同权利义务终止的概述) 二、Discharge by Performance(合同因履行而终止) 三、Discharge by Termination(合同因合同解除而终止) Chapter 7Interpretation of Contract 第7章合同的解释 本章内容提要 英文阅读 7?1Theories of Contract Interpretation 7?2General Rules of Interpretation of Contract 内容解析 一、Introduction of Contract Interpretation(合同解释的概述) 二、Rules of Contract Interpretation(合同解释的规则) Chapter 8Liability for Breach of Contract 第8章违约责任 本章内容提要 英文阅读 8?1Liability Imputation 8?2Breach 8?3Remedies 内容解析 一、Introduction of Contract Liability(合同责任的概述) 二、Liability for Contracting Fault(缔约过失责任) 三、Liability for Breach of Contract(违约责任) 主要参考资料

合同法概论-(双语) 作者简介


