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  2020-06-17 00:00:00  

刑事法治发展研究报告-2013-2014年卷 本书特色


刑事法治发展研究报告-2013-2014年卷 目录

刑事法治改革专题the column on reform on the rule of criminal law当代中国刑法法典化研究赵秉志research on the codization of criminal law in contemporary china  zhao bingzhi关于《刑法修正案(九)(草案二次审议稿)》的修法建议赵秉志阴建峰等proposals of second draft of amendment ix to criminal law  zhao bingzhi, yin jianfeng etc.刑事禁止令问题研究阴建峰丁宁research on criminal prohibition order yin jianfeng & ding ning新时期特赦的误读辨正及其消解阴建峰misunderstanding and resolution of amnesty at new era yin jianfeng死刑改革专题the column on death penalty中国死刑立法改革新思考赵秉志new thinking on death penalty of china:from the perspective of amendment ix (draft) to criminal law zhao bingzhi酌定量刑情节与死刑裁量赵秉志彭新林the discretionary circumstances of sentencing and death penalty  zhao bingzhi & peng xinlin 组织卖淫罪死刑(重刑)设置民意基础研究报告赵军research report on the death penalty of the crime of organizing prostitution (severe crime) based on public opinion  zhao jun个罪完善专题the column on improvement on individual crimes当代中国公司犯罪争议问题研讨赵秉志侯帅several issues about corporation crime in contemporary china zhao bingzhi &  hou shuai侵犯知识产权犯罪的立法完善问题研究赵秉志刘志伟等legislative perfection of the crime of infringing upon intellectual property zhao bingzhi, liu zhiwei etc. 扒窃犯罪问题探讨黄晓亮张晋research  on the problem of pickpocketing crimehuang xiaoliang & zhang jin 论入户型盗窃罪的构成特征及其司法适用黄晓亮逄金伟on the characteristics and the judicial application of the crime of stealing into the apartment  huang xiaoliang  & pang jinwei关于完善扰乱无线电通讯管理秩序罪的立法建议赵秉志袁彬等legislative proposals on improving the crime of disrupting the order of the radio communications  zhao bingzhi, yuan bin etc.关于通过刑法解释按照非法采矿罪严惩非法采砂活动的建议赵秉志张远煌等legislative proposals on ruling illegal mining activities by the interpretation of criminal law  zhao bingzhi, zhang yuanhuang etc.关于增设“非法占用水域罪”的立法建议赵秉志张远煌等legislative proposals on the ruling the crime of illegal occupation of the water  zhao bingzhi, zhang yuanhuang etc.我国赌博犯罪的刑法规制研究阴建峰袁慧research on the regulation of gambling crimes in china yin jianfeng & yuan hui 反腐败专题the column on anticorruption中国反腐败刑事法治的若干重大现实问题赵秉志some important practical problems of chinese anticorruption in criminal rule of law zhao bingzhi贪污受贿犯罪定罪量刑标准问题研究赵秉志study on the standard of conviction and sentencing of the crime of embezzlement and bribery   zhao bingzhi行贿犯罪档案查询与企业犯罪预防周振杰query on bribery file and prevention of corporate crime  zhou zhenjie关于加大防逃追逃追赃力度加强反腐败国际合作工作的若干建议高铭暄赵秉志等some suggestions on strengthening international cooperation on fugitive repatriation and asset recovery  gao mingxuan, zhao bingzhi etc.我国腐败犯罪外移资产追回问题研讨彭新林research on the problem of the recovery of the assets of the corruption crime in china  peng xinlin赖昌星案件法理问题研究赵秉志张磊study on the legal problem of lai changxing case zhao bingzhi & zhang lei刑事诉讼法专题the column on criminal procedure law监视居住制度的改革与困境——以2012年刑事诉讼法的修改为视角杨雄the reform of the residential surveillance system: a view of the amendment of the criminal procedure law in 2012   yang xiong新刑诉法视角下的刑事拘留制度的发展和完善杨雄on the development and perfection of the criminal detention system from the perspective of the new  criminal  procedure law yang xiong论我国逮捕制度的改革——从2012年刑事诉讼法的修改出发杨雄马畅on the reform of arrest system in our country: from the revision of the criminal procedure law in 2012  yang xiong & ma chang刑事执行法专题the column on criminal execution law中华人民共和国社区矫正法(专家建议稿)赵秉志吴宗宪等community  correction law(expert proposal draft) of the  peoples republic of chinazhao bingzhi, wu zongxian etc.论社区矫正对象的科学概念吴宗宪on the scientific concept of the community corrections client wu zongxian论刑法修正案(八)与社区矫正:贡献与缺憾吴宗宪on   the amendment (eighth) of criminal law and community correction: contribution and deficiency  wu zongxian“北京市社会力量参与社区矫正的模式”研究报告吴宗宪陈志海research  report of beijing model of social forces to participate in community correction wu zongxian & chen zhihai专家型监狱干警沉淀基层机制研究报告吴宗宪王金亮等research report of the systems of expert prison police going down to grassroots units   wu zongxian, wang jinliang etc. 刑事法治发展研究报告-2013-2014年卷
