当代刑事法学新探索 本书特色
当代刑事法学新探索 目录
**编刑法总论问题 section i issues on general provisions of criminal law 论四要件犯罪构成理论的合理性暨对中国刑法学 体系的坚持高铭暄(00) on the plausibility of the four elements of crime constitution theory and the persistence of chinese criminal law systemgao mingxuan(00) 中国刑法的百年变革 ——纪念辛亥革命一百周年赵秉志(0) on the 100 years reform of chinese criminal law—in memory of the hundredth anniversary of the 1911 republican revolutionzhao bingzhi(0) 犯罪门槛下降及其对刑法体系的挑战卢建平(0) the decline of crime threshold and its challenge to criminal law systemlu jianping(0) 论情绪犯的责任能力及其评价袁彬(0) comments on the emotional offenders capacity of criminal responsibilityyuan bin(0) 公司、企业领导人刑事责任研究体系构建论纲 ——以忠实义务、勤勉义务、社会责任为中心的 展开李山河(0) on the construction of company and enterprises leaders criminal responsibility research system—with the loyalty, diligence and social responsibility as the centerli shanhe(0) 从既遂标准的层次性理论看加重犯的既遂问题王志祥(0) on the accomplishment of result—aggravated crime from the hierarchy theory of crime accomplishment criteriawang zhixiang(0) 预备犯处罚界限论郑延谱(0) on the boundary of punishing preparatory crimezheng yanpu(0) 论雇佣犯罪中雇主的刑事责任左坚卫 on the employers criminal responsibility in crimes committed upon employment zuo jianwei 论犯罪集团首要分子的归责根据王俊平 a study about the reason of demurrer on crime ringleaders of criminal groups. wang junping 论老年人犯罪的从宽处罚徐啸宇 on the lenient punishment of the elderly crimexu xiaoyu 死刑司法控制:完整解读刑法第四十八条储槐植 the judicial restraint of death penalty: the interpretation of article 48 in criminal lawchu huaizhi 我国死刑的当代考量 ——以政策和立法为视角狄世深 the contemporary consideration of chinese death penalty—from the perspective of policy and legislative processdi shishen 死刑限制的宪法思考黄晓亮 the constitutional thinking on death penalty restrainthuang xiaoliang 酌定量刑情节限制死刑适用:价值、空间与路径彭新林 discretionary sentencing circumstances applying on death penalty restraint: value, space and methodpeng xinlin 第二编刑法分论问题 section ii issues on specific provisions of criminal law 恐怖主义犯罪:维护公共秩序与保障人权的制衡王秀梅 terrorist crime: balancing maintaining public order and protecting human rights wang xiumei 论《与贸易有关的知识产权协定》第61条中的“商业规模”刘科 on the “commercial scale” in article 61 of “agreement on traderelated aspects of intellectual property rights”liu ke 抢劫罪的对象、标准及转化问题研究李希慧 issues on the objects, criteria, and transformation of robberyli xihui 论诈骗罪中做出事实性说明的欺诈赵书鸿 on the deception of making factual statement in fraud crimezhao shuhong 私营贿赂犯罪立法模式的选择与罪名体系的完善刘志伟 the selection of legislative mode and the reform of crime system regarding bribery in private sectorliu zhiwei 反腐败中的公民参与及其机制完善 ——兼议“两高”司法解释背景下的网络反腐郭理蓉 the reform of public participation in anticorruption—discussion on the cyber anticorruption within the context of the judicial interpretation from supreme peoples court and supreme peoples procuratorateguo lirong 制度不足与“兜底”条款 ——论巨额财产来源不明罪的法理冲突、现实选择与司法应用苏明月 system deficiency and the umbrella clauses—on the jurisprudence conflict, realistic choices and judicial application of the crime of hugesum property from unclear sourcesu mingyue 我国行贿犯罪的刑法立法检视与调适商浩文 criminal legislative review and adjustment on chinese bribery crimesshang haowen 第三编国际刑法暨外国刑法问题 section iii issues on international criminal law and foreign criminal law 建立境外追逃追赃长效机制的几个法律问题黄风 legal issues on the construction of longterm regime pursuing suspects and illegal assets abroadhuang feng 国际刑事政策:概念界定和基本范畴分析郭晶 international criminal policy: definition and basic concepts analysisguo jing 从高山案谈我国境外追逃的法律问题 ——兼与赖昌星案的比较张磊 legal issues on pursuing suspects oversea from gao shan casecompare with the lai changxing casezhang lei 国际反恐合作与不引渡问题探析 ——以首例“核暗杀”事件嫌疑犯的引渡案为切入点蒋娜 analysis on international antiterrorism cooperation and nonextradition issue—with the first “nuclear assassination” incident suspect extradition case as a starting point jiang na 全球化时代刑事责任的扩张吴沈括 the expansion of criminal responsibility in the era of globalizationwu shenkuo 国际刑事法院补充性原则的规范分析赵晨光 statutory analysis on the principle of complementarity of international criminal court zhao chenguang 法国惩治未成年人犯罪的刑事法律制度孙平 criminal legal system of punishing juvenile crimes in francesun ping 从形式到实质:日本刑事法治中民主主义之转变周振杰 from format to substance: the democratic transformation of japanese rule of law in criminal matterszhou zhenjie 俄罗斯刑事执行立法:法律本原、体系与启示赵路 russian criminal enforcement legislation: legal origins, system and innovations zhao lu 第四编犯罪学、刑事政策暨刑罚执行问题 section iv issues on criminology, criminal policy and punishment execution 贪利性犯罪死刑根据的犯罪学追问张远煌 the criminology thinking on the basis of death penalty on crimes pursuing benefit zhang yuanhuang 罪犯改造的犯因性差异理论论纲吴宗宪 on the theory of crime causes disparities and its influence on offenders education wu zongxian 死刑存废的民意维度 ——以组织卖淫罪可罚性观念的测量为中心赵军 public opinion on the death penaltys abolition—with the estimation of the idea of punishing organized prostitution as the centerzhao jun 论法律效果与社会效果的统一 ——以贯彻宽严相济刑事政策为中心阴建峰 on the harmonization of legal effect and social effect—with the implementation of the policy of combining severity and leniency as the centeryin jianfeng 我国累犯从严实效之实证研究劳佳琦 empirical study on the severely effects of chinese recidivistslao jiaqi 第五编刑事诉讼法问题 section v issues on criminal procedural law 实证方法对我国刑诉法学研究之影响宋英辉 the influence of empirical method on chinese criminal procedural law study song yinghui 比较刑事诉讼法的研究进路:从划分模式到探求共性印波 the research path of comparative criminal procedural law: from categorization mode to searching for similarityyin bo 刑事证据的定量分析刘广三 quantitative analysis of criminal evidenceliu guangsan 美国法上对质权条款与传闻证据规则关系之考察史立梅 study on the relationship between cross examination provisions and hearsay evidence rules in american lawshi limei 中国刑事证据法学理论体系的科学建构王超 on the scientific construction of the theoretical system of chinese criminal evidence lawwang chao 刑事辨认程序与证据比较研究杨雄 on the criminal identification procedure and evidence comparisionyang xiong 庭前刑事证据移送方式定量研究孟军 quantitative study on pretrail criminal evidence submission methodsmeng jun 日本再逮捕制度的合理性分析及借鉴肖萍 plausibility analysis and inspiration of the japanese rearrest systemxiao ping “合适成年人”参与未成年人刑事诉讼程序实证研究何挺
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