刑事法学新青年-京师刑事法优秀硕士学位论文荟萃 本书特色
刑事法学新青年-京师刑事法优秀硕士学位论文荟萃 目录
**编刑法学总论 part i general part of criminal law 开放性刑法解释研究王帅 a study on open criminal law interpretation wang shuai 刑法传播研究 ——以醉驾入刑为切入点张浩 a study of transmission of criminal law from the perspective of penalizing drunken driving zhang hao 从罪刑均衡的视角探究刑之立法技术曹云 an analysis of legislative techniques from the perspective of equilibrium between crime and punishmentcao yun 为主客观相统一原则辩护 ——以定罪中的运用为视角焦阳 defending the principle of combing subjective and objective elements—a perspective of its application at convictionjiao yang 论事后不可罚行为吴伶俐 on un punishable acts committed after the crime wu lingli 共同犯罪实行过限问题研究张晓丽 on conducts exceeding limits of joint offensezhang xiaoli 论包容犯张志富 on inclusive offensezhang zhifu 试论片面共犯的成立及其责任承担杜林研 on construction and liability of onesided accomplicedu linyan 未成年人前科消灭制度研究王璞 on the system of elimination of criminal record of minor offenders wang pu 社区矫正风险及控制黄玲林 risks in community corrections and control mechanismhuang linglin 刑事禁止令问题研究丁宁 a study on criminal inhibition orderding ning 境外追逃中自首的认定刘丽 decision on surrendering in capturing suspects abroadliu li 死缓限制减刑制度实证研究侍玉铭 positive study on restricting mitigation of death with twoyear suspension shi yuming 特殊群体死刑限制的立法完善研究原佳丽 legislative perfection on restrictions on the death penalty for special groups yuan jiali 第二编刑法学各论 part ii special part of criminal law 危险驾驶行为的刑事规制研究刘玉峰 on criminal regulation of dangerous drivingliu yufeng 群体性事件中的从众型犯罪研究朱涛 a study on offences of massfollowing type in cllective eventszhu tao 证券市场“老鼠仓”行为的刑法规制问题研究林少波 on criminal regulation on “rat trading acts” at stock exchange market lin shaobo 民营企业家融资类犯罪高发的原因及对策研究贺娜 on causes of high frequency of financing crimes by private entrepreneur and countermeasureshe na 吴英集资诈骗案法理研究徐文文 on jurisprudence in wu yings defraud by fraudulently collecting public funds casexu wenwen 逃税罪研究江波 on the office of tax evasionjiang bo 传销犯罪研究仇芳芳 on pyramid selling offencesqiu fangfang 杨佳故意杀人案法理研究杨光 on jurisprudence in yang jias murder caseyang guang 轻微暴力致人死亡案件的定性问题研究葛欣 on the nature of the case of petty violence resulting in deathge xin 肖传国雇凶伤害案的法理研究臧蒙 on jurisprudence in the xiao chuanguos hired assault casezang meng 强奸罪“告诉乃论”之多维探索王学文 studying “public prosecution following private charge” in the case of rape from plural perspectiveswang xuewen 轮奸犯罪停止形态研究韩雪 on suspended situation of gang rapehan xue 刑事政策视野下的侵犯公民个人信息犯罪研究常秀娇 on offenses of infringing on personal information: a criminal policy perspective chang xiujiao 中国家庭暴力犯罪对策体系之完善王亚楠 on perfecting countermeasure system of domestic violence in china wang yanan 受虐妇女报复性犯罪之轻刑化处遇研究杨清惠 on mitigating treatment against maltreated women for revengeoffenses yang qinghui 网络虚拟财产的刑法保护研究张勇 on criminal law protection on virtual propertyzhang yong “拾得他人财物”之刑法定性问题分析 ——以梁丽百万黄金案为视角袁昕 deciding the nature of “picking up others property” in criminal law—liang lis millionworth gold case as an exampleyuan xin 刑法中的占有 ——以刑民比较为视角的一次探索李双丽 on the possession in criminal—from a comparative perspective of criminal and civil lawli shuangli 论窝藏、包庇罪的立法完善董文辉 on perfection of provisions on concealing or harboring criminals dong wenhui 非法处置查封、扣押、冻结的财物罪研究甄艺林 on offence of illeaglly dealing with confiscated, frozen and seized property zhen yilin 医疗事故罪主观方面问题研究宋久华 on subjective elements of medicial accidentsong jiuhua 第三编犯罪学 part iii criminology 北京地区国企人员贪污贿赂犯罪统计分析及对策研究 ——以2008~2012年北京市检察机关办案数据为分析样本李凯 studies on statistics on corruption and embezzlement cases by stateowned enterprises in beijing and countermeasures—cases handled by beijing peoples procuratorates as sampleli kai 论人身危险性对刑罚裁量的意义郑亚昕 on the importance of personal dangerousness in sentencingzheng yaxin 美国未成年人犯罪刑事政策的严厉趋势对我国的启示于晓芸 the tendency to harshness in the usas criminal policy of minor delinquents and its lessonsyu xiaoyun 第四编刑事诉讼法学 part iv criminal procedure 新社会防卫论视野下的裁量不起诉研究王成 on discretionary nonprosecution under the theory of neosocial defense wang cheng 冤假错案的形成原因分析:以口供为视角杜露云 analyzing causes of judicial miscarriage—from the perspective of confession du luyun 非法证据排除的救济程序研究郭燕荣 on remedy procedure of excluding illegal evidenceguo yanrong 我国刑事裁判说理的若干问题研究刘敬娟 on certain issues regarding reasoning in criminal judgmentliu jingjuan 论海关侦办毒品走私案件的控制下交付李振益 on controlled transfer in the case of drug smuggling by the customs li zhenyi 论侦查讯问中的律师在场权田帅 on lawyers right of being present during investigative interrogation tian shuai 逮捕必要性实证研究邢小兵 a positive research on necessity of arrestxing xiaobing 刑事司法信任研究张华强 a study on trust in criminal justicezhang huaqiang 涉罪未成年人有效监护问题研究王頔 on issues regarding effective supervision of minor delinquentswang di 第五编国际(区际)刑法学 part v international (regional) criminal law