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  2020-06-17 00:00:00  

商法案例集 本书特色

     李栗燕编著的《商法案例集》基于商法的基本结构,结合商法教学改革进程,在教学理念、编写模式、专题内容、问题设计、处理解析等方面具有特色。通过对章节单元的严谨挑选、案例体例的明晰设计、专业法律词汇的权威解析,向读者展示了科学的教学模式;更加广泛地涉猎商法多个分类,重点挑选公司法、保险法、银行法、票据法、破产法进行编写,对专题内容进行界定,同时结合我国民商合一的现状,不拘泥于单一商法模式,案例涉及与商业活动相关的其他法律部门,单独编排;体现学思统一,在具体案例的编排中,实现学识与思维技能的同步提升,帮助读者塑造良好的英文思考模式和处理现实商法相关问题的能力。      本书实用性、适用性强,不仅适合高校法学专业双语教学使用,且可用于其他专业法学爱好者的通选课程教学,以及外国留学生和外国学者对中国商法的学习与研究,亦能够为法律职业人提供参考。

商法案例集 目录

chapter 1  partnership law
  case 1  partnership debt conversion
  case 2  braschi v.associates
  case 3  is the partnership legal?
chapter 2  company law
  case 4  the directors' rights to the company
  case 5  the directors' obligations to the company
  case 6  department store v.chengdu branch of leather industry company
  case 7  the doctrine of corporate personality
  case 8  company a sues its manager mr.liu for violating on-compete obligations and claims for damages
  case 9  division of a company
  case 10  how should corporate debt after the share split
  case 11  splitting the corporate veil i
  case 12  piercing the corporate veil ii
  case 13  piercing the corporate veil iii
  case 14  page county appliance center, inc.v honeywell,inc
  case 15  raising the borrower
  case 16  implementing agencies how to deal with the case
  case 17  dodge v.ford motor company
  case 18  foreign enterprise law cases
  case 19  lead to the effectiveness of the "one-man company" equity transfer agreement identified
  case 20  the temporary general meeting of shareholders convenes the procedure to be whether legitimate
  case 21  competes industry behavior is certainly the invalid civil behaviour
  case 22  contract crime of fraud recognizing
chapter 3  insurance law
  case 23  a farm' s claim for compensation
  case 24  law of insurance case
  case 25  a typical case of one motor vehicle insurance
  case 26  transport insurance
  case 27  killed by death of the insured recover money for gambling on whether the insurance company claims?
  case 28  division of property in a divorce case of old-age insurance
  case 29  how to determine the insurance contract in case the insured's duty to inform
  case 30  insurance competing
  case 31  investment of social insurance pays for injustice caused by the resignation of controversial
  case 32  insurance is impersonator who should bear responsibility?
  case 33  the transfer of insurable interest
  case 34  how to exercise a generation of position to ask to recompense the power
  case 35  american contract law
chapter 4  banking law
  case 36  the deposit receipt dispute appeals to the document
  case 37  interest-free bank depositors against the court recognized the case of trading habits
  case 38  this amount should not unconditionally pay bank
  case 39  whether banks should be liable
  case 40  security bank has done it needs to bear responsibility for obligations
  case 41  the loan guarantee dispute appeals to the document
chapter 5  bankruptcy law
  case 42  course of a hearing in the case the debtor is declared bankrupt,the creditors should change its claim to recognize claims
  case 43  compensation case costs shall be part of its bankruptcy
  case 44  collective enterprises to apply for bankruptcy
  case 45  in fett roofing and sheet metal co., inc.
  case 46  andrews university v.merchant
  case 47  kane v.john-manville corp.
  case 48  case "deposit" can be in bankruptcy claims
  case 49  taylor v.freelang & kronz
chapter 6  negotiable instruments law
  case 50  how to remedy the loss of notes
  case 51  whether the conduct of effective instruments
  case 52 &nb

商法案例集 作者简介


