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语篇信息视角下的中国法院调解说服实现研究 本书特色


语篇信息视角下的中国法院调解说服实现研究 内容简介

《realization of persuasion in chinese court conciliation:the discourse information approach(语篇信息视角下的中国法院调解说服实现研究)》选取当前司法实践中备受关注的法院调解为研究课题,基于真实的当庭调解语料,建构了“语篇信息为中心的说服模式”(dicmp)理论框架,研究法官说服活动的话语实践过程。《realization of persuasion in chinese court conciliation:the discourse information approach(语篇信息视角下的中国法院调解说服实现研究)》紧扣法官如何通过信息传递说服意图、受何语境因素影响、实现何种说服效果三大研究问题,分析了说服过程中语篇信息的分布特点,梳理了影响说服效果的语境因素,总结了实现说服的话语模式。《realization of persuasion in chinese court conciliation:the discourse information approach(语篇信息视角下的中国法院调解说服实现研究)》主要面向法律语言学研究者与爱好者、法官、调解员及其他对调解、说服感兴趣的相关人员。

语篇信息视角下的中国法院调解说服实现研究 目录


chapter 1 introduction
1.1 court conciliation in china:an overview
1.1.1 definition
1.1.2 development
1.1.3 research focuses
1.2 the discourse information approach to persuasion in court conciliation
1.2.1 the pervasiveness of persuasion
1.2.2 the importance of discourse information
1.3 research methodology
1.3.1 research questions
1.3.2 data collection
1.3.3 data analysis
1.4 outline of the book
chapter 2 persuasion:essence of court conciliation
2.1 introduction
2.2 studies on cc
2.2.1 legal perspective
2.2.2 economic perspective
2.2.3 psychological perspective
2.2.4 linguistic perspective
2.3 studies on persuasion
2.3.1 traditional rhetorical approach
2.3.2 contemporary social scientific approach
2.4 persuasion in court conciliation
2.4.1 previous definions of persuasion
2.4.2 working definition of persuasion
2.5 summary
chapter 3 discourse information:major means of persuasion in court conciliation
3.1 introduction
3.2 discourse information
3.2.1 an overview of the dit
3.2.2 information knots
3.2.3 information sharing categories
3.2.4 applications
3.3 the discourse-information-centric model of persuasion(dicmp)
3.3.1 relevant persuasion studies
3.3.2 the dicmp
3.4 summary
chapter 4 features of discourse information in persuasion
4.1 introduction
4.2 factual discourse information:finding of facts and responsibilities
4.2.1 basis for determining civil liability
4.2.2 clarification of current situations
4.2.3 reminding parties?about undesirable results
4.3 attitudinal discourse information:inquiry of attitudes and schemes
4.3.1 forms of presentation
4.3.2 ways of combination
4.3.3 levels of development
4.4 procedural discourse information:observance of law
4.4.1 offering legal basis
4.4.2 regulating pace and controlling order
4.4.3 drawing conclusions
4.5 summary
chapter 5 factors influencing persuasion in cc
5.1 introduction
5.2 social situations
5.2.1 settings
5.2.2 social roles
5.2.3 social relations between participants
5.3 subjective communicative situations
5.3.1 communicative roles
5.3.2 intentions and goals
5.3.3 knowledge
5.4 summary
chapter 6 realization of persuasion in cc
6.1 introduction
6.2 assessment of the realization of persuasion
6.2.1 cognitive responses as the indicators
6.2.2 parties?cognitive responses in cc
6.3 means of realization
6.3.1 involvement of discourse information
6.3.2 presentation of discourse information
6.3.3 exchange structures of discourse information
6.4 effects of the realization of persuasion
6.4.1 changing parties?cognition
6.4.2 changing parties?attitudes
6.4.3 changing parties?behavior
6.5 summary
chapter 7 conclusion
7.1 introduction
7.2 summary of the present study
7.3 implications,limitations and suggestions for further research
7.3.1 implications
7.3.2 limitations
7.3.3 suggestions for further research
appendix ⅰ general information of the core dataset
appendix ⅱ transcription conventions
list of tables
table 1-1 a brief description of the whole dataset and the core dataset
table 3-1 types of the information knots(based on du,2007)
table 3-2 five types of knowledge categories(based on du,2007)
table 3-3 k-device(based on van dijk,2008,pp.83-88)
table 3-4 types,categories and functions of knowledge
table 3-5 persuasion variables(based on petty &wegener,1998)
table 3-6 the context model(based on van dijk,2008,p.76)
table 4-1 distributions of information knots in 35 cases in the core dataset
table 5-1 costs-benefits analysis of parties in cc
table 5-2 frequencies of knowledge categories in cc(based on 35 cases in the core dataset)
table 6-1 the exchange structures of cc
table 6-2 types and functions of responses(adapted from donohue et al.(1984))
list of figures
figure 2-1 the hierarchcal model of needs (maslow,1943)
figure 3-1 the tree information structure of discourse (du,2007)
figure 3-2 the interactive cognitive model of persuasion (icmp)(du,2008b)
figure 3-3 the discourse-information-centric model of persuasion(dicmp)
figure 5-1 communicative roles of participants in cc (based on goffman,1981)
figure 5-2 judges?control of communicative roles in cc
figure 5-3 adjustment of goals and intentions
figure 5-4 original knowledge state of parties in cc
figure 5-5 reinforcement of shared knowledge
figure 5-6 modification of controversial knowledge (1)
figure 5-7 newly added controversial knowledge
figure 5-8 modification of controversial knowledge (2)
