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  2020-06-19 00:00:00  

中国地方政府治理评论-2018年卷.总第5辑 本书特色


中国地方政府治理评论-2018年卷.总第5辑 目录

尺度重构视阈中的长江中游城市群政府治理研究 张立荣 汪榆淇(1)
机制设计视角下精准扶贫过程中的腐败预防研究 尤光付 杜祎(36)
间断平衡理论视角下的“一胎化”政策终结探析 定明捷 卜方宇(59)
公共管理硕士(MPA)专业学位研究生课程满意度问题研究——以湖北省三所高校为例 王远伟 王新娇(95)
县域生态文明建设绩效测度与障碍因素诊断——以江西省黎川县为例 杨莼 韩璟 柯楠 卢新海(133)
新型城镇化建设水平测度与障碍因素诊断——以中原城市群核心9市为例 柯楠 韩璟 杨莼 卢新海(149)
《中国地方政府治理评论》约稿函 (160)
Research on Governance of Urban Agglomeration in the Middle Reaches of the Yangtze River in the Perspective of Scale Reconstruction Zhang Lirong Wang Yuqi (1)
Research on the Corruption Prevention in the Process of Precision Poverty Alleviation under the Perspective of Mechanism Design You Guangfu Du Yi (36)
Analysis of One-Child Policy Termination under the perspective of Punctuated Equilibrium Theory Ding Mingjie Bu Fangyu (59)
A Study on Satisfaction Degree of Master of Public Administration (MPA) Professional Postgraduate Course——Taking Three Universities in Hubei Province as Case Wang Yuanwei Wang Xinjiao (95)
Performance Measurement of Ecological Civilization Construction and the Obstacle Factors Diagnosis at the County Level——A Case Study from Lichuan County in Jiangxi Province Yang Chun Han Jing Ke Nan Lu Xinhai (133)
Measurement of New Urbanization Construction Level and Obstacle Factors Diagnosis——Take 9 Core Cities in the Zhongyuan City Group as An Example Ke Nan Han Jing Yang Chun Lu Xinhai (149)
Invitation of Articles to China Local Governance Review (160) 中国地方政府治理评论-2018年卷.总第5辑
