警务工作评估系统回顾研究 本书特色
警务工作评估系统回顾研究 目录
序言一(英文版)david p. farrington序言一(中文版)大卫·法林顿序言二 刘建宏热点警务对于犯罪的影响 the effects of hot spots policing on crime 作者:anthony braga,andrew papachristos,david hureau 译者:许诺 核定:张金武 张彦论反恐策略的效力 the effectiveness of counter-terrorism strategies 作者:cynthia lum,leslie w. kennedy,alison j. shedey 译者:李小芽 核定:张金武 张彦 叶嘉茵“杠杆型”集中威慑策略对犯罪的影响 the effects of“pulling levers”focussed deterrence strategies on crime 作者:anthony a. braga and davie l. weisburd 译者:李玉都 朱耀云 核定:张金武 张彦警务活动的合法性 legitimacy in policing 作者:lorraine mazerolle,sarah bennett,jacqueline davis,elise sargeant and matthew manning 译者:陈璇 核定:张金武 张彦地点警务中的犯罪空间转移和利益扩散 spatial displacement and diffusion of benefits among geographically focussed policing initiatives 作者:kate bowers,shane johnson,rob t. guerette,lucia summers and suzanne poynton 译者:夏一巍 核定:张金武 张彦dna检验在刑事侦查上对犯罪人识别、逮捕、定罪以及破案率的作用 use of dna testing in police investigative work for increasing offender identification,arrest,conviction,and case clearance 作者:david b. wilson,david weisburd,david mcclure 译者:张盖 核定:张金武 张彦侦查讯问的方法及其对供述的效果 interview and interrogation methods and their effects on true and false confessions 作者:christian a. meissner,allison d. redlich,sujeeta bhatt,susan brandon 译者:张彦 核定:张金武 张彦压力管理项目对现任及新招录警察的影响 the effects of stress management interventions among police officers and recruits 作者:george t. patterson,irene w. chung,philip g. swan 译者:叶嘉茵 核定:张金武 张彦家庭暴力二次回应项目对加害人再犯之影响 effects of second responder programs on repeat incidents of family abuse 作者:robea c. davis,david weisburd,bruce taylor 译者:蒋安丽 核定:张金武 张彦 叶嘉茵问题导向警务对于犯罪和社会失序的影响 the effects of problem. oriented policing on crime and disorder 作者:david weisburd,cody w. telep,joshua c. hinkle,john e. eck 译者:张金武 李小芽 核定:张金武 张彦 叶嘉茵警方打击非法持有和携带武器的策略:对涉枪犯罪的作用 police strategies to reduce illegal possession and carrying of firearms:effects oil gun crime 作者:christopher s. koper,evan mayo-wilson 译者:张金武 郭燕 核定:张金武 张彦