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2014-INTERNATIONAL ATTENTION-国际关注-中国声音-(英文版)

  2020-06-19 00:00:00  

2014-INTERNATIONAL ATTENTION-国际关注-中国声音-(英文版) 本书特色


2014-INTERNATIONAL ATTENTION-国际关注-中国声音-(英文版) 目录

chapter onethe chinese dream
ⅰwhat is the chinese dream?
ⅱwho has the chinese dream?
ⅲwhat is the chinese dream like?
ⅳhow to realize the chinese dream?
ⅴimpact on the world: a dialogue with the world

chapter two the third plenary session of the 18th cpc central committee and china?s reform

ⅰwhy the third plenary session of the 18th cpc 
central committee became the focus of 
the world?s attention?

ⅱwhat strategic planning concerning comprehensively deepening reform did the third plenary session of 
the 18th cpc central committee make?

ⅲnew achievements and trend of china?s reforms after 
the third plenary session of the 18th cpc central 

chapter three diaoyu islands dispute

ⅰdiaoyu islands are china?s inherent territory
ⅱjapan illegally stole diaoyu islands from china
ⅲdiaoyu islands have nothing to do with the sovereignty of ryukyu
ⅳchinese government?s stance and efforts
ⅴoutlook of diaoyu islands situation

chapter four south china sea issue

ⅱchina?s south china sea policy and stance
ⅲprospect of the south china sea issue

chapter five north korea?s nuclear issue

ⅰhistorical context of north korea?s nuclear issue
ⅱprospect of north korea?s nuclear issue

chapter six afghanistan?s issue
ⅰorigin and current situation of afghanistan issue
ⅱchina has consistently supported the peaceful reconstruction of afghanistan
ⅲprospect of situation in afghanistan

chapter seven snowden event and network security
ⅰsnowden?s flight is full of twists and turns
ⅱan overview of u?s? surveillance program
ⅲsnowden event ignites intense response
ⅳchinese government?s legal response
ⅴthe future of network security

chapter eight syria?s crisis

ⅰorigin and development of syria?s crisis
ⅱrivalry concerning syria?s crisis
ⅲtrend of syria?s crisis and its impact

chapter nine iran?s nuclear issue

ⅰiran?s nuclear issue results from complex geographical factors
ⅱescalation of iran?s nuclear issue
ⅲchina upholds a fair stance and facilitates peace talks
ⅳa favorable turn coexists with crisis and the prospect is uncertain

2014-INTERNATIONAL ATTENTION-国际关注-中国声音-(英文版) 作者简介

  本书由中国人民大学、中国国际问题研究所、中央文献研究室相关专家编写,各章具体分工如下:    “第一章 中国梦”,郑水泉(中国人民大学校长助理兼校办主任)、韩宇(中国人民大学党委宣传部);“第二章 十八届三中全会与中国的改革”,石建国(中央文献研究室);“第三章 钓鱼岛争端”,曹群(中国国际问题研究所);“第四章 南海问题”,宋均营(中国国际问题研究所);“第五章 朝核问题”,刘俊波(中国国际问题研究所);“第六章 阿富汗路在何方”,李青燕(中国国际问题研究所);“第七章 斯诺登事件与网络安全”,徐龙第(中国国际问题研究所);“第八章 叙利亚危机”,柳莉(中国国际问题研究所); “第九章 伊朗核问题”,王友明(中国国际问题研究所)。其中,第三章至第九章均由中国国际问题研究所副所长郭宪纲统筹编写工作,并负责内容设计、统稿改订工作。本书的编写工作还得到了中国国际问题研究所所长曲星、国务院新闻办公室相关领导的大力支持。 

2014-INTERNATIONAL ATTENTION-国际关注-中国声音-(英文版)
