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Ciliate atlas: species found in the South China Sea南海纤毛虫图谱

  2020-06-21 00:00:00  

Ciliate atlas: species found in the South China Sea南海纤毛虫图谱 内容简介

  《南海纤毛虫图谱(英文版)》将汇集312种自由生活的纤毛虫南海沿海地区。为了便于读者阅读,生境、生态特征和主要参考资料以及将为每个物种提供系统学。  《南海纤毛虫图谱(英文版)》适合研究人员、教育工作者、学生,环境官员、自然资源保护者和业余爱好者对纤毛虫生物多样性或生物地理学的兴趣。

Ciliate atlas: species found in the South China Sea南海纤毛虫图谱 目录

Class Mesodiniea
Order Mesodiniida
Family Mesodiniidae
Askenasia cf. stellaris
Mesodinium pulex
Class Karyorelictea
Order Loxodida
Family Loxodidae
Remanella achroma
Order Protostomatida
Family Trachelocercidae
Trachelocerca chinensis
Tracheloraphis similis
Class Heterotrichea
Order Heterotrichida
Family Condylostomatidae
Condylostoma cf. magnum
Condylostoma curvum
Condylostoma elongatum
Condylostoma minutum
Condylostoma spatiosum
Condylostoma tropicum
Linostomella vorticella
Family Folliculinidae
Folliculina simplex
Folliculinopsis producta
Family Peritromidae
Peritromus cf.faurei
Family Spirostomidae
Spirostomum intermedium
Spirostomum teres
Class Armophorea
Order Armophorida
Family Metopidae
Metopus contortus
Class Litostomatea
Order Haptorida
Family Acropisthiidae
Chaenea cf.vorax
Chaenea paucistriata
Chaenea sp.
Class Nassophorea
Class Phyllopharyngea
Class Prostomatea
Class Oligohymenophorea
Class Protocruziea
Class Spirotrichea
Systematic Index Ciliate atlas: species found in the South China Sea南海纤毛虫图谱
