zeta函数,q-zeta函数,相伴级数与积分 |
2020-06-21 00:00:00 |
zeta函数,q-zeta函数,相伴级数与积分 内容简介
zeta函数,q-zeta函数,相伴级数与积分 目录
Preface Acknowledgements 1 Introduction and Preliminaries 1.1 Gamma and Beta Functions The Gamma Function Pochhammer's Symbol and the Factorial Function Multiplication Formulas of Legendre and Gauss Stirling's Formula for n! and its Generalizations The Beta Function The Incomplete Gamma Functions The Incomplete Beta Functions The Error Functions The Bohr—Mollerup Theorem 1.2 The Euler—Mascheroni Constant γ A Set of Known Integral Representations for γ Further Integral Representations for γ From an Application of the Residue Calculus 1.3 Polygamma Functions The Psi (or Digamma) Function Integral Representation for ψ(z) Gauss's Formulas for ψ(p/q) Special Values of ψ(z) The Polygamma Functions Special Values of ψ(n) (z) The Asymptotic Expansion for ψ(2) 1.4 The Multiple Gamma Functions The Double Gamma Function F2 Integral Formulas Involving the Double Gamma Function The Evaluation of an Integral Involving log G(z) The Multiple Gamma Functions The Triple Gamma Function г3 1.5 The Gaussian Hypergeometric Function and its Generalization The Gauss Hypergeometric Equation Gauss's Hypergeomeu:ic Series The Hypergeometric Series and Its Analytic Continuation Linear, Quadratic and Cubic Transformations Hypergeometric Representations of Elementary Functions Hypergeometric Representations of Other Functions The Confluent Hypergeometric Function Important Properties of Kummer's Confluent Hypergeometric Function The Generalized (Gauss and Kummer) Hypergeometric Function Analytic Continuation of the Generalized Hypergeometric Function Functions Expressible in Terms of the pFq Function 1.6 Stirling Numbers of the First and Second Kind Stirling Numbers of the First Kind Stirling Numbers of the Second Kind Relationships Among Stirling Numbers of the First and Second Kind and Bernoulli Numbers 1.7 Bernoulli, Euler and Genocchi Polynomials and Numbers Bernoulli Polynomials and Numbers The Generalized Bernoulli Polynomials and Numbers Euler Polynomials and Numbers Fourier Series Expansions of Bernoulli and Euler Polynomials Relations Between Bernoulli and Euler Polynomials The Generalized Euler Polynomials and Numbers Genocchi Polynomials and Numbers 1.8 Apostol—Bernoulli, Apostol—Euler and Apostol—Genocchi Polynomials and Numbers Apostol—Bernoulli Polynomials and Numbers Apostol—Genocchi Polynomials and Numbers Important Remarks and Observations Generalizations and Unified Presentations of the Apostol Type Polynomials 1.9 Inequalities for the Gamma Function and the Double Gamma Function The Gamma Function and Its Relatives The Double Gamma Function Problems
2 The Zeta and Related Functions 2.1 Multiple Hurwitz Zeta Functions The Analytic Continuation of ζn(S, a) Relationship between ζn(s.x) and B(a)n(x) The Vardi—Barnes Multiple Gamma Functions 2.2 The Hurwitz (or Generalized) Zeta Function Hurwitz's Formula for ζ(s, a) Hermite's Formula for ζ(s, a) Further Integral Representations for ζ(s, a) Some Applications of the Derivative Formula (17) Another Form for г2(a) 2.3 The Riemann Zeta Function Riemann's Functional Equation for ζ(s) Relationship between ζ(s) and the Mathematical Constants B and C Integral Representations for ζ(s) A Summation Identity for ζ(n) 2.4 PolylogarithmFunctions The Dilogarithm Function Clausen's Integral (or Function) The Trilogarithm Function The Polylogarithm Functions The Log—Sine Integrals 2.5 Hurwitz—Lerch Zeta Functions The Taylor Series Expansion of the Lipschitz—Lerch Transcendent L(x, s, a) Evaluation of L(x, —n, a) 2.6 Generalizations of the Hurwitz—Lerch Zeta Function 2.7 Analytic Continuations of Multiple Zeta Functions Generalized Functions of Gel'fand and Shilov Euler—Maclaurin Summation Formula Problems
3 Series Involving Zeta Functions 3.1 Historicallntroduction 3.2 Use of the Binomial Theorem Applications of Theorems 3.1 and 3.2 3.3 Use of Generating Functions Series Involving Polygamma Functions Series Involving Polylogarithm Functions 3.4 Use of Multiple Gamma Functions Evaluation by Using the Gamma Function Evaluation in Terms of Catalan's Constant G Further Evaluation by Using the Triple Gamma Function Applications of Corollary 3.3 3.5 Use of Hypergeometric Identities Series Derivable from Gauss's Summation Formula 1.4(7) Series Derivable from Kummer's Formula (3) Series Derivable from Other Hypergeometric Summation Formulas Further Summation Formulas Related to Generalized Harmonic Numbers 3.6 Other Methods and their Applications The Weierstrass Canonical Product Form for the Gamma Function Evaluation by Using Infinite Products Higher—Order Derivatives of the Gamma Function 3.7 Applications of Series Involving the Zeta Function The Multiple Gamma Functions Mathieu Series Problems
4 Evaluations and Series Representations 4.1 Evaluation of ζ(2n) The General Case of ζ(2n) 4.2 Rapidly Convergent Series for ζ(2n + 1) Remarks and Observations 4.3 Further Series Representations 4.4 ComputationaIResults Problems
5 Determinants of the Laplacians 5.1 The n—Dimensional Problem 5.2 Computations Using the Simple and Multiple Gamma Functions Factorizations Into Simple and Multiple Gamma Functions Evaluations of det'△n (n=1, 2, 3) 5.3 Computations Using Series of Zeta Functions 5.4 Computations using Zeta Regularized Products A Lemma on Zeta Regularized Products and a Main Theorem Computations for small n 5.5 Remarks and Observations Problems
6 q—Extensions of Some Special Functions and Polynomials 6.1 q—Shifted Factorials and q—Binormal Coefficients 6.2 q—Derivative, q—Antiderivative and Jackson q—lntegral q—Derivative q—Antiderivative and Jackson q—lntegral 6.3 q—Binomial Theorem 6.4 q—Gamma Function and q—Beta Function q—Gamma Function q—Beta Function 6.5 A q—Extension of the Multiple Gamma Functions 6.6 q—Bernoulli Numbers and q—Bernoulli Polynomials q—Stirling Numbers of the Second Kind The Polynomial βk(x)=βk;q(X) 6.7 q—Euler Numbers and q—Euler Polynomials 6.8 The q—Apostol—Bernoulli Polynomials βk(n) (x;λ) of Order n 6.9 The q—Apostol—Euler Polynomials εEk(n)(x;λ) of Order n 6.10 A Generalized q—Zeta Function An Auxiliary Function Defining Generalized q—Zeta Function Application of Euler—Maclaurin Summation Formula 6.11 Multiple q—Zeta Functions Analytic Continuation of gq and ζq Analytic Continuation of Multiple Zeta Functions Special Values of ζq (s1, s2) Problems
7 Miscellaneous Results 7.1 A Set of Useful Mathematical Constants Euler—Mascheroni Constant γ Series Representations for γ A Class of Constants Analogous to {Dk} Other Classes of Mathematical Constants 7.2 Log—Sine Integrals Involving Series Associated with the Zeta Function and Polylogarithms Analogous Log—Sine Integrals Remarks on Cln (θ) and Gln (θ) Further Remarks and Observations 7.3 Applications of the Gamma and Polygamma Functions Involving Convolutions of the Rayleigh Functions Series Expressible in Terms of the ψ—Function Convolutions of the Rayleigh Functions 7.4 Bernoulli and Euler Polynomials at Rational Arguments The Cvijovie—Klinowski Summation Formulas Srivastava's Shorter Proofs of Theorem 7.3 and Theorem 7.4 Formulas Involving the Hurwitz—Lerch Zeta Function An Application of Lerch's Functional Equation 2.5(29) 7.5 Closed—Form Summation of Trigonometric Series Problems
Bibliography 编辑手记