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  2020-06-21 00:00:00  

数论中未解决的问题-(第三版)-(影印版) 本书特色


数论中未解决的问题-(第三版)-(影印版) 内容简介

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数论中未解决的问题-(第三版)-(影印版) 目录

Preface to the Third Edition
Preface to the Second Edition
Preface to the First Edition
Glossary of Symbols
A.Prime Numbers
A1.Prime values of quadratic functions.
A2.Primes connected with factorials.
A3.Mersenne primes.Repunits.Fermat numbers.Primes of shape k.2n 1.
A4.The prime number race.
A5.Arithmetic progressions of primes.
A6.Consecutive primes iA.P.
A7.Cunningham chains.
A8.Gaps betweeprimes. Twiprimes.
A9.Patterns of primes.
A10.Gilbreath's conjeoture.
A11.Increasing and decreasing gaps.
A12.Pseudoprimes.Euler pseudoprimes.Strong pseudoprimes.
A13.Carmichael numbers.
A14."Good"primes and the prime number graph.
A15.Congruent products of consecutive numbers.
A16.Gaussiaand Eisenstien-Jacobi primes.
A17.Formulas for primes.
A18.The Erdos-Selfridge classificatioof primes.
A19.Values of making n-2k prime.Odd numbers not of the form pa 2b
A20.Symmetric and asymmetric primes.
C.Additive Number Theory
D.Diophantine Equations
E.Sequences of Integers
F.None of the Above
Index of Authors Cited
General Index 数论中未解决的问题-(第三版)-(影印版)
