离散数学-(英文版) 内容简介
离散数学-(英文版) 目录
1.propositional logic 1.1 propositions and connectives 1.2 propositional wff and assignment 1.3 prepositional equivalences 1.4 disjunefive normal form 1.5 functionally complete set of logical connecdves 1.6 rules of inferenee
2.predicate logict 2.1 predicates and quanfifiers 2.2 wellformed formulas in predicate logic 2.3 equivalent formulas 2.4 prenex normal form 2.5 inference rules in predicate calculus.
3.set theory 3.1 sets 3.2 set operationst 3.3 inclusion.exclusion
4.relations 4.1 cartesian products and relations 4.2 properties of relations 4.3 representing relations 4.4 closure of relations 4.5 equivalence relafons 4.6 partial ordenngs
5.graphst 5.1 graph terminology 5.2 representing graphs and graph isomorphism 5.3 subgraphs 5.4 euler and hamihon paths 5.5 the shortest-path problem 5.6 planar graphs 6.trees
6.1 basic concepts 6.2 roots and ordefingst 6.3 spanning trees
7.algebra structurest 7.1 basic concepts 7.2 groups 7.3 rings and fields 7.4 boolean algebras reftrence.