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  2020-05-11 00:00:00  

上海闲话:英文 本书特色


上海闲话:英文 内容简介


上海闲话:英文 目录

part i: the journey: shanghai  prorogue: memories  into the exotic  expat trauma  ghosting  tide prayers  the apartment  homebound  transitions  anxieties  retrospectionpart ii: adelaide restless  the departure  bound  unbound  new growthpart iii: the shadow journey: shanghai  introduction  early days: 2012  the teacher: grace  the artist: isla  the strategists: sophie  the strategists: thomas  the entrepreneurs: amelia  the entrepreneurs: james andmillie  the architect: damian  the writers: deng  the writers: liam  the writers: siripart iv: the return  closure  reflections  epilogue: shanghai,as a catalyst andwhy they don't want to go home!referencesspecificnon-printgeneral 上海闲话:英文
