吸血僵尸惊情四百年 本书特色
《吸血僵尸惊情四百年》:完美的构思,精彩的逻辑推理,引人入胜的刺激情节,使读者以紧张的心理状态,带着疑惑和推测,跟随故事的发展,享受一次次惊心动魄的破案之旅,让你的英语阅读欲罢不能。原汁原味的原著,更深入英语的真实和本质;惊悚悬疑题材的原著,又更能使读者在轻松快乐阅读之后,收获一份特别的感悟。著名作家、旅居英伦多年、曾任英国国家广播公司制作人的董桥认为读英文侦探小说好处多。董桥说:“学英文有三苦,不在洋人环境长大学洋文学不进骨髓是一苦;死命默记文法语法是二苦:性情内向不喜结交洋人无从多说多练是三苦。而通过原汁原昧的侦探小说便可化解这些苦处,苦中寻乐寻的自然是虚构天地的洋人百态。柴米油盐固然要学,亲疏爱恨人情世故也要懂得掌握分寸。小说多得不得了,读饱了感同自家经历,陌生的语言渐渐不太陌生,洋文洋话慢慢有了生活气息,不再学究。”读*具悬念的小说 学*地道的语言欢迎参加有奖答题活动阅读完《吸血僵尸惊情四百年》后正确回答书后五个问题,就会获得精美礼品一份
吸血僵尸惊情四百年 内容简介
《吸血僵尸惊情四百年》: 完美的构思,精彩的逻辑推理,引人入胜的刺激情节,使读者以紧张的心理状态,带着疑惑和推测,跟随故事的发展,享受一次次惊心动魄的破案之旅,让你的英语阅读欲罢不能。原汁原味的原著,更深入英语的真实和本质;惊悚悬疑题材的原著,又更能使读者在轻松快乐阅读之后,收获一份特别的感悟。 著名作家、旅居英伦多年、曾任英国国家广播公司制作人的董桥认为读英文侦探小说好处多。董桥说:“学英文有三苦,不在洋人环境长大学洋文学不进骨髓是一苦;死命默记文法语法是二苦:性情内向不喜结交洋人无从多说多练是三苦。而通过原汁原昧的侦探小说便可化解这些苦处,苦中寻乐寻的自然是虚构天地的洋人百态。柴米油盐固然要学,亲疏爱恨人情世故也要懂得掌握分寸。小说多得不得了,读饱了感同自家经历,陌生的语言渐渐不太陌生,洋文洋话慢慢有了生活气息,不再学究。” 读*具悬念的小说 学*地道的语言 欢迎参加有奖答题活动 阅读完《吸血僵尸惊情四百年》后正确回答书后五个问题,就会获得精美礼品一份
吸血僵尸惊情四百年 目录
Chapter 1 Jonathan Harker's JournalChapter 2 Jonathan Harker's JournalChapter 3 Jonathan Harker's JournalChapter 4 Jonathan Harker's JoumalChapter 5 Letter from Miss Mina MurrayChapter 6 Mina Murray's JournalChapter 7 Cutting from the Dailygraph, 8 AugustChapter 8 Mina Murray's JournalChapter 9 Letter, Mina Harker to Lucy WestenraChapter 10 Letter, Dr. Seward to Hon. Arthur HolmwoodChapter 11 Lucy Westenra's DiaryChapter 12 Dr. Seward's DiaryChapter 13 Dr. Seward's DiaryChapter 14 Mina Harker's JournalChapter 15 Dr. Seward's DiaryChapter 16 Dr. Seward's DiaryChapter 17 Dr. Seward's DiaryGhapter 18 Dr. Seward's DiaryGhapter 19 Jonathan Harker's JournalChapter 20 Jonathan Harker's JournalGhapter 21 Dr. Seward's DiaryChapter 22 Jonathan Harker's JournalChapter 23 Dr. Seward's DiaryChapter 24 Dr. Seward's Phonograph Diary, spoken by Van HelsingChapter 25 Dr. Seward's DiaryChapter 26 Dr. Seward's DiaryChapter 27 Mina Harker's Journal
吸血僵尸惊情四百年 节选
吸血僵尸惊情四百年 相关资料
4 May.——I found that my landlord had got a letter from the Count,directing him to secure the best place on the coach for me; but on mak-ing inquiries as to details he seemed somewhat reticent, and pretendedthat he could not understand my German. This could not be true, be-cause up to then he had understood it perfecdy; at least, he answeredmy questions exactly as if he did. He and his wife, the old lady whohad received me, looked at each other in a frightened sort of way. Hemumbled out that the money had been sent in a letter, and that was allhe knew. When I asked him if he knew Count Dracula, and could tellme anything of his casde, both he and his wife crossed themselves, and,saying that they knew nothing at all, simply refused to speak further. Itwas so near the time of starting that I had no time to ask anyone else,for it was all very mysterious and not by any means comforting.Just before I was leaving, the old lady came up to my room andsaid in a hysterical way: "Must you go? Oh] Young Herr, must you go?" She was in suchan excited state that she seemed to have lost her grip of what Germanshe knew, and mixed it all up with some other language which I didnot know at all. I was just able to follow her by asking many ques-tions. When I told her that I must go at once, and that I was engagedon important business, she asked again:"Do you know what day it is?" I answered that it was the fourthof May. She shook her head as she said again:"Oh, yes] I know that! I know that, but do you know what dayit is?" On my saying that I did not understand, she went on:"It is the eve of St. George's Day. Do you not know that to-night,when the clock strikes midnight, all the evil things in the world willhave full sway? Do you know where you are going, and what you aregoing to?" She was in such evident distress that I tried to comfort her,but without effect. Finally, she went down on her knees and imploredme not to go; at least to wait a day or two before s